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Wildcat Poop Found on Mount Everest

Wildcat Poop Found on Mount Everest

News For Kids

2023/03/09 | 00:05:15 | SoundOn #education

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Whoa! Is that a cat? It looks like a cat. It has a lot more fur, though…

And it looks really angry! It looks like a grumpy old man!

Maybe we would be grumpy too if we lived in the same places as these wildcats…

These wildcats are called Pallas's cats. They live in dry, cold, and windy places. But guess what? We now know these cats also live on the tallest mountain in the world!

Yep! Scientists found that Pallas's cats live on Mount Everest!

The scientists found that the cats live on a part of Mount Everest that's even higher than Taiwan's Jade Mountain!

That's amazing! It's very, very cold on Mount Everest, but these cats have found a way to live there!

Pallas's cats are about the same size as a pet cat, but they look more like leopards.

They are very good hunters. Their fur is thick to keep them warm, and it's the perfect color to help them hide in the rocky, snowy mountains.

Wildcats are some of my favorite animals! Now that I know they can live on the tallest mountain in the world, I like them even more! Where does your favorite animal live?


  1. look like 看起來像
    Oh boy, that cat looks like a grumpy old man. 天哪,那隻貓看起來像個壞脾氣的老頭。
    It's a stray cat. 那是一隻流浪貓。
    It lives a hard life. 牠的生活很不容易呢。

  2. windy 多風的
    Yeah? It doesn't need to work. 是嗎?牠又不需要工作。
    No, but it lives on a cold and windy street. 是不需要,但是牠住在又冷又風大的街上。

  3. warm 溫暖的
    You feed it every night. 你每天晚上都餵牠。
    Not every night.沒有每晚。
    And you also try to keep it warm. 而且你還想辦法讓牠保持溫暖。

  4. maybe 也許
    What can I say? 我能說什麼?
    I just love animals. 我就是喜歡動物。
    Maybe you should take it home. 也許你應該把牠帶回家。

look like 看起來像
windy 多風的
warm 溫暖的
maybe 也許


  1. What are these wildcats called?
    A: Pet cats
    B: Leopards
    C: Pallas's cats

  2. Where did scientists find the cats living?
    A: At the bottom of the ocean
    B: At the South Pole
    C: On Mount Everest

  3. Why do these cats need such thick fur?
    A: To keep cool
    B: To keep warm
    C: To hunt


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B