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The 500-Million-Year-Old Social Network

The 500-Million-Year-Old Social Network

News For Kids

2023/05/17 | 00:05:14 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Hey there! Can you hear me? Am I on the Internet?

We are very lucky in Taiwan. The Internet is easy to get for many people. We can get it at home, at school, and in convenience stores! Plus, it's cheap!

Some countries are not so lucky. The Internet is hard to get for many people. And it isn't cheap.

The Internet has social networks. People talk on these social networks. They talk with family and friends. This is great! But people with no Internet cannot join and talk. Life with no Internet is hard.

Even animals talk! They talked 500 million years ago! Animals called 'rangeomorphs' lived in the ocean then. They looked like tree leaves!

Rangeomorphs had no mouths, arms, or legs. How did they talk with their family and friends? They talked with a kind of string.

Some strings were four meters long! The strings joined them with other rangeomorphs. They talked to each other with these strings. The strings were their Internet!

Today is a special day. It's about making the Internet easy to get for everyone!

Let's make a new social network! Let's get the whole world talking!


  1. each other 彼此
    Hey, Paz, how are you? 你好嗎?
    I'm fine. It's been a while since we last saw each other! 我很好,我們有一段時間沒見面了。

  2. talk 談話
    Right, we only talked via Line. 你說得對,我們只有用賴說話。
    That's not real talking. 那不是真正的交談。
    No, it's not. If you want, we can chat using Line, too. 確實不是。你要的話我們也可以用賴聊天。
    Okay. 好啊。

  3. friend 朋友
    Speaking of Line, did you see any messages from Kevin? 說到賴,你有沒有看到凱文的訊息?
    No, he's not my friend. 沒有,他不是我的朋友。

  4. arm 手臂
    Oh, I thought he was. 我以為他是。
    He broke his arms in a crash. 他在車禍中手臂骨折。
    Oh no! 真糟糕。

each other 彼此
talk 談話
friend 朋友
arm 手臂


  1. Where can you get the Internet in Taiwan?
    A: Strings
    B: Social networks
    C: Schools

  2. What did a 'rangeomorph' look like?
    A: A mouth
    B: A tree
    C: A leaf

  3. What joined all the rangeomorphs together?
    A: The Internet in Taiwan
    B: A kind of string
    C: Arms and legs


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B