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Free Trip to Jail

Free Trip to Jail

News For Kids

2022/03/22 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I haven't been on a vacation in a long time. How about you? Well, how would you like to stay at a brand new place in Switzerland for free!?
Sounds pretty sweet, right? But wait, there's a catch. The trip is free, the place is new, but… it's a jail. And you'll be an inmate.

That's right. The Swiss jail wants volunteers to help them test out the jail before it opens for real in April.

The volunteers will even be treated like inmates in some ways. They'll enter the jail like inmates, eat the food that the jail serves and they'll be given exercise time. Oh, and they can't bring in any cell phones or other electronic devices either.

The stay will only last a couple of days and volunteers have a safe word that they can use to leave the jail if they've had enough of being locked up.

But who would want to do this? Well, lots of people. Over 800 people applied for this free stay in jail!
有誰會想要這麼做呢?其實還蠻多人的! 超過800個人已經提出申請,希望入住監獄!

Huh, I guess those people must REALLY need a vacation!


1) Jail 監獄。
I can't believe people want to stay in jail! 我不相信有人願意待在監獄裡!
Why not? There's food, a bed and nobody can find you. 為什麼不?有吃的,有床,而且沒有人找得到你。

2) free 免費的。
And it's free! 還是免費的!
You're right, and it's free. 你說對了,並且是免費的。
I would see it as a vacation. 我會把它當作去度假。

3) Volunteer 志願人員。
They won't get any volunteers. 他們不會找到志願者的。
I've already applied for it. 我已經申請了。
Wow, you are serious about it! 哇,你很認真呢!

4) Swiss 瑞士的。
Also, this is a Swiss jail. 而且,這是一所瑞士監獄。
So what? 所以呢?
So I'll get to eat Swiss chocolate. 所以我可以吃瑞士巧克力。

jail 監獄
free 免費的
volunteer 志願者
Swiss 瑞士的


  1. What country is mentioned in the story?
    A: Sweden
    B: Switzerland
    C: Italy

  2. What kind of place will people be staying in?
    A: A school
    B: A hotel
    C: A jail

  3. How much does the stay cost?
    A: 900 NT
    B: It's free
    C: They pay you 5000 NT

  4. B
  5. C
  6. B