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Company Makes Masks from Plants

Company Makes Masks from Plants

News For Kids

2021/11/01 | 00:05:42 | SoundOn #education

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Oh, hi kids! I'm just eating some vegetables. Vegetables are plants. Fruits are plants, too. We eat lots of plants. Do you know what other things we can do with plants? Make things! We can make houses with trees, for example. First, you cut the trees down. Then you can make a house. 蔬菜水果都是植物。植物可以吃也可以用來製造東西,很多房子就是木頭做的。

There is an American company that uses plants to make face masks. 一家美國的公司開始用植物來做口罩。

That is great! Do you know why? Well, because of COVID-19, there are a lot of face masks these days. When people throw them away, it makes a lot of garbage. 使用過的口罩被丟掉造成很大量的垃圾。

Have you ever seen face masks on a sidewalk? Yes, I really hate that, too! Face masks are usually made from a type of plastic. Plastic takes a very long time to disappear from the environment. So all those face masks are a big problem. They take up space in landfills. "Take up" means "uses." 這些垃圾占用了很大的空間。

But one company named G95 makes masks from plants. These masks fully disappear from the environment in 90 days after they are thrown away! When people have used the masks, they can mail them back to the company. G95 then recycles the old masks! That is so great! 這家公司用植物做成的口罩,丟掉90天之後就分解不見了。要是你把用過的口罩寄回去,這家公司還會把它回收利用。



  1. Disappear 消失。
    My pretty face masks have disappeared! 我的漂亮口罩不見了!
    Face masks don't just disappear. 口罩不會就這樣消失。
    Here, they are in the garbage can. 在這裡,在垃圾桶裡。

  2. Throw away 扔掉。
    But I didn't throw them away. 可是我沒有把它們扔掉啊。
    I think they fell off from the desk. 我想是從桌上掉下去的。

  3. Environment 環境。
    This is a really nice environment. 這是個很好的環境。
    There are so many trees around. 周圍有好多樹。
    Yeah, I hope we can live here. 是啊,真希望我們可以住在這裡。

  4. Company 公司。
    The biggest company in the world is an American company. 世界最大的公司是一家美國公司。
    Is it McDonald's? 是麥當勞嗎?
    No. 不是。

disappear 消失不見
throw away 扔掉
environment 環境
company 公司


Q1: What is this story about?
A: Making masks from plants
B: Using wood to make houses
C: Growing different kinds of plants
Q2: What are most face masks made from?
A: From plants
B: From wood
C: From plastic
Q3: What is G95?
A: A mask
B: A company
C: A plant
1. A
2. C
3. B