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Bees Keep Elephants Away

Bees Keep Elephants Away

News For Kids

2021/11/10 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Elephants are very big! What does a big animal need a lot of every day? Food! Elephants need a lot of food.

But, in some places in Africa, elephants come into villages to find food. This is a problem because a big hungry elephant can smash things and take all the farmers' food. People can get hurt when elephants come looking for food and elephants can get hurt too…

Can they build a fence? Hmm… no… elephants are too big and too strong.

But… you can use bees! Yes! Really! Bees!

Elephants are afraid of bees! The bees sting them in the mouth or even inside the trunk. Ouch! So elephants try to stay far away from bees.

One day the people had an idea. Get boxes full of bees and hang them on a fence. Maybe that can stop the elephants from coming into the village. And… it worked! The elephants hear the sound of buzzing bees and they run away!

Bees are very small, but they can stop elephants! Cool, huh?


  1. Stay away 保持距離。
    Let's stay away from those bees. 我們跟那些蜜蜂保持距離。
    Yeah, I'm very afraid of bees, too. 對,我也很怕蜜蜂。

  2. Run away 跑開。
    Can I stay at your house tonight? 我今晚可以住你家嗎?
    Why? Are you running away from home? 為什麼?你要逃家嗎?
    No, I'm running away from school. 不是,我是要逃學。

  3. Work 有用。
    It won't work. 沒有用的。
    Your teacher will find you. 你的老師會找到你的。
    It will work. Just don't tell anyone I'm at your house. 有用,你只要別告訴任何人我在你家。

  4. Food 食物。
    I'll get some food since you're coming. 既然你要來,我會買一些吃的。
    You don't need to buy a lot of food. 你不需要買很多食物。
    I don't eat much. 我吃得不多。

stay away 保持距離
run away 跑開
work 有用
food 食物


  1. Why do elephants come into some villages in Africa?
    A: They want to say 'hello.'
    B: They are looking for other elephants
    C: They want to find food

  2. Why are elephants afraid of bees?
    A: They don't like that buzzing sound
    B: The bees take the elephants' food
    C: The bees sting them…sometimes in their trunks!

  3. How did people stop elephants from coming into villages?
    A: They made a fence with boxes of bees on it
    B: They screamed really loudly
    C: They put up a sign saying, "No Elephants!"


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A