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Man Walks With No Shoes for Over a Year

Man Walks With No Shoes for Over a Year

News For Kids

2022/11/01 | 00:05:12 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students! Do you like to walk barefoot?

It's nice to walk with no shoes and socks in your home.

But what about walking barefoot outside?

Today, I want to tell you about a man who walks barefoot outside a lot.

He walked with no shoes or socks for over a year!

George Woodville lives in England.

One day, he threw all his shoes away.

He had 20 pairs of shoes, and he threw them all away.
George Woodville 住在英國,他有一天把他的20雙鞋子通通丟掉。

George really likes walking with no shoes and socks.

Doctors say there are some good things about going barefoot.

It can make your legs stronger.

And it can improve your balance.

There is another good thing for George. He has become famous.

He made videos about walking barefoot and put them on the internet.

Now, he is making money from his videos.
George 把赤腳走路的影片放上網路,變得很有名,還賺了錢。

But, there are also bad things about going barefoot outside.

George said he stepped in dog poo … Yuck!

He also stepped on some glass. Ouch!

Also, some people didn't want him to go into their store.

That's because his feet looked really dirty!

Do you guys think going barefoot is a good idea? I think I'll keep my shoes on outside.



  1. step 踩到
    Oh no! I think I just stepped on something! 糟了,我覺得我剛剛踩到東西!
    Not dog poo, I hope. 希望不是狗糞。
    No, I stepped on a cockroach! 不,我踩到了蟑螂!

  2. dirty 骯髒的
    That's okay. You're not barefoot. 那沒關係呀,你又不是打赤腳。
    But cockroaches are dirty! 可是蟑螂好髒喔!
    It's better than dog poo. 總比狗糞好。

  3. make money 賺錢
    I may need to change jobs. 我可能需要換工作。
    Why? You're not making enough money? 為什麼? 賺的錢不夠嗎?
    Yes. 對啊。

  4. walk 走路
    But it's just a 5-minute walk to your office now. 但是你現在上班只要走五分鐘。
    I don't mind taking the MRT if I can make more money. 要是能賺更多錢,我不介意搭捷運。

step 踩到
dirty 骯髒的
make money 賺錢
walk 走路


  1. What does "barefoot" mean?
    A: Wearing socks but no shoes
    B: Wearing nothing on the feet
    C: Wearing shoes but no socks

  2. Why does George Woodville go barefoot?
    A: He likes it
    B: His doctor told him to do it
    C: He has no money for shoes

  3. What bad thing happened to George?
    A: He stepped on some glass
    B: He lost his shoes
    C: He got really sick


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A