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Rocket Hits Asteroid

Rocket Hits Asteroid

News For Kids

2022/10/28 | 00:05:38 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students! Today I want to talk about asteroids. An asteroid is a big rock in space.

Scientists worry that an asteroid might hit Earth in the future. What would happen if an asteroid did hit Earth? If it were big enough, it would cause lots of trouble!

Remember the dinosaurs? Scientists think an asteroid hit the earth about 66 million years ago and killed them.

Right now, scientists don't think any asteroids will hit our planet soon. But what about in the future?

I don't want to scare you guys, but an asteroid might hit us one day. But, here's the good news! NASA sent a rocket to hit an asteroid in space as a test.
不用擔心,美國太空總署 NASA 測試了用火箭撞擊小行星。

It took 10 months for the rocket to hit the asteroid. The rocket blew up, but the asteroid didn't. The purpose of the test was to hit the asteroid to change its direction.
花了 10 個月的時間火箭才擊中小行星,而且爆炸了,但小行星沒有。測試的目的是要撞擊小行星,改變他的方向。

NASA scientists wanted to see if they could hit the asteroid. That way, if an asteroid is coming right at Earth, we can hit it with a rocket. The rocket can make the asteroid miss Earth.

Whew! Now, I feel safer!


  1. hit 打到,撞擊
    One of those stars may hit us someday. 那些星星有一顆可能會撞到我們。
    And you're worried? 你很擔心嗎?
    Not really. But I hope I can see it. 不會,不過我希望能看到。

  2. earth 地球
    You want to see a star hit the earth, our Earth? 你想看到一顆星撞上地球,我們的地球?
    Yeah, it would be interesting to watch. 對啊,會很有趣吧。

  3. kill 殺死
    The last time it happened, all the dinosaurs were killed. 上回發生這種事的時候,所有的恐龍都完蛋了。
    I know. But we're not a dinosaurs. 我知道,不過我們不是恐龍。
    We won't be killed. 我們不會完蛋。

  4. future 未來
    I'm not sure about that. 這我可不確定。
    I hope scientists can save us in the future. 我希望未來科學家能救我們一命。

hit 打到,撞擊
earth 地球
kill 殺死
future 未來


  1. What is an asteroid?
    A: A type of rocket
    B: A big rock in space
    C: A kind of bomb

  2. How long did it take the rocket to hit the asteroid?
    A: 10 days
    B: 10 weeks
    C: 10 months

  3. What happened when the rocket hit the asteroid?
    A: The rocket exploded
    B: The asteroid exploded
    C: The asteroid almost hit Earth


  1. B
  2. C
  3. A