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Charles Darwin's Notebooks Mysteriously Returned

Charles Darwin's Notebooks Mysteriously Returned

News For Kids

2022/06/15 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Oh no! I can't find my notebook. Where is it?

I wrote down so many good ideas in that notebook!

I hope somebody finds it and returns it to me. Some of the ideas I wrote down could change the world! Like Charles Darwin did!

Do you know who Charles Darwin is? Darwin was a very famous scientist who was known for figuring out a lot of things about animals and other living things.

Even though he lived a long time ago, a lot of his ideas are still important today.

He wrote down a lot of his ideas in notebooks. These notebooks were kept in a library in England, until one day, they were stolen!

But guess what? Twenty-two years later, the notebooks were returned! Somebody put them in a pink bag and left them outside the library's office.

The books are now being kept at the library … in a much safer place, of course, in case someone tries to steal them again.

But it is still a mystery who took them, and who gave them back.

I guess we will never know!


  1. notebook 筆記本
    Can I borrow your math notebook? 可以借我你的數學筆記本嗎?
    Why? Didn't you take notes? 為什麼?你沒有抄筆記嗎?
    I did. But I missed two classes. 我有,但是有兩堂課我沒上。

  2. return 歸還
    Did you return my notebook? 我的筆記本你還了嗎?
    Not yet. I'll give it back tonight. 還沒有,今晚還給你。

  3. steal 偷竊
    Oh no, I can't find my hat. 糟糕,找不到我的帽子。
    It must be stolen. 一定被偷了。
    Who wants to steal an old and ugly hat? 誰要偷一頂又舊又醜的帽子?
    You never know. 那可不一定。

  4. safe 安全的。
    There should be a safe place for hats. 應該有放帽子的安全地方。
    Like… on your head? 比如說,你頭上嗎?

Have you ever heard of Charles Darwin? Let's read the words.
notebook 筆記本
return 歸還
steal 偷竊
safe 安全的


  1. Who was Charles Darwin?
    A: A famous scientist
    B: A friend of the storyteller's
    C: A thief

  2. What was stolen from the library?
    A: History books
    B: Library cards
    C: Darwin's notebooks

  3. When was the stolen thing returned?
    A: 22 years later
    B: It was never returned
    C: 2 years later


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A