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Woman's Lost Cat found Nine Years Later

Woman's Lost Cat found Nine Years Later

News For Kids

2022/11/29 | 00:05:06 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Mr. Whiskers! There you are! I finally found you!

Oh hey there! This is my cat… He went missing. I've been looking for him all day! I'm glad I found him.

Have you ever lost a pet? It doesn't matter if you lose them for only a few minutes or a few hours, or a few days… it's still very scary!

Have you heard of this woman in the U.S., who lost her cat for nine years?

Nine whole years! The owner must have been very scared.

This woman's cat went missing in California. After searching for a long time, the woman and her husband thought the cat was gone forever.

Then one day, nine years later, they received a phone call from a pet shelter… in Idaho! Idaho is two states away from California! I wonder how the cat got so far away?

The people at the shelter checked the cat's microchip. That's how they found out who the owner was and who to call.

And that's how the woman found out that her cat was okay, nine years later! So, if you have a pet, make sure you get them a microchip!


  1. lose 失去
    Oh no, I think I lost my hat! 糟糕,我覺得帽子搞丟了。
    It's certainly not on your head. 它確實不在你頭上。
    What should I do? 我該怎麼辦?

  2. find 找到
    Where did you lose it? 你在哪裡搞丟的?
    I can't remember. 我不記得了。
    Then let's go to the Lost and Found. 那我們去失物招領處吧。

  3. look for 尋找
    No, I should look for it myself. 不了,我應該自己來找。
    I need the hat now. 我現在就需要帽子。
    But you don't even know where to begin. 但是你甚至不知道從哪裡開始。

  4. not matter 沒關係
    It doesn't matter. 沒關係。
    I'll just go back to the shopping mall. 我就回到購物中心去。
    You're crazy! 你瘋了!

Let's read these words.
lose 失去
find 找到
look for 尋找
not matter 沒關係


  1. What kind of animal did the woman lose in this story?
    A: A dog
    B: A cat
    C: A bird

  2. How long was the pet missing?
    A: Nine days
    B: Nine years
    C: Nine hours

  3. Where was the pet found?
    A: In California
    B: In Idaho
    C: In Mexico


  1. B
  2. B
  3. B