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New Material as Strong as Steel but Light as Plastic

New Material as Strong as Steel but Light as Plastic

News For Kids

2022/03/23 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

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Building a house is a lot of work.

There are a lot of materials you need to use.

You need heavy materials like wood, bricks, and steel!

All of these things help make a house sturdy and strong.

But they're so heavy!

But if these materials were too thin and too light, they probably would not be very strong.

Then, the house would fall down.

But hey, did you know that some really smart scientists invented a new material that is super strong, but also very light?

These scientists say this new material they invented is as strong as steel, but as light as plastic.

Isn't that amazing?

It can also be used for a lot of different things.

It can be used in cars, to help make them strong and safe to ride in.

It can also be used to build strong bridges.

I can't believe something as light as plastic could be used to build a strong and sturdy bridge, but these scientists say it is possible!

In fact, they say this material is so strong, it is actually stronger than bulletproof glass!

Wow, I hope people start using more of this material soon. That would make building houses so much easier!


  1. Material 材料。
    I'm going to buy materials for the tree house. 我要去買樹屋的材料。
    A tree house? That's great! 樹屋?太棒了!
    So what will you get? 所以你要買什麼?
    Wood and nails. 木頭和釘子。

  2. Build 建造。
    Will you build the house up on the tree? 你要在樹上蓋樹屋嗎?
    I'll build part of it on the ground first. 我會先在地上蓋一部分。

  3. Steel 鋼鐵。
    Are all cars made of steel? 汽車都是鋼鐵做的嗎?
    Yeah, steel is the most common material in a car. 對,鋼鐵是汽車最普遍的材料。

  4. heavy 沉重的。
    But it's heavy too. 但是它也很重。
    That's true. 這是真的。
    But it's safer for people inside. 不過對坐在車子裡的人來說比較安全。

Let's read today's vocabulary together.
material 材料
build 建造
steel 鋼鐵
heavy 沉重的


  1. What did scientists invent in this story?
    a. A new material
    b. A new color
    c. A new chemical

  2. What is special about this material?
    a. It is very light but as strong as steel
    b. It is very heavy but very weak
    c. It is very heavy but it is very strong

  3. What can this material be used for?
    a. Building bridges
    b. Making rope
    c. Cleaning the air


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A