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Asian Moms Thanked at 95th Oscars

Asian Moms Thanked at 95th Oscars

News For Kids

2023/03/31 | 00:05:13 | SoundOn #education

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Did you watch the Oscars? They're the biggest movie awards in the world! This year's Oscars were great! There was a movie called "Everything Everywhere All at Once". It won seven awards!

An actress called Michelle Yeoh is in the movie. She plays a laundromat owner who gets superpowers!

Michelle Yeoh is from Malaysia. This year, she won the Oscar for Best Actress. She's the first actor from Asia to win the Best Actress award.

Michelle Yeoh said thank you to her mother for her Oscar. She said "all moms in the world" were the real superheroes!

In Malaysia, her mother watched Michelle Yeoh on TV. Her mother cried with happiness for her "little princess"!

The same movie had an actor from Vietnam in it. He also won an Oscar. He said thank you to his mother too.

One of the people who made the movie is from Taiwan. He won an Oscar too. Who do you think he thanked? That's right, his mother!
這部電影其中一個導演,母親是台灣人。他和夥伴得到最佳導演獎,所以他感謝誰呢? 你答對了!是他的媽媽 。

If I won an Oscar, I'd thank my mom too. Who would you thank?


  1. cry 哭泣
    Do you sometimes cry when watching a movie? 你看電影時會不會哭?
    Oh, I cry so loud I have to stop myself. 會,我哭得太大聲,還要自己克制。

  2. actor 演員
    Me too. Usually it's not because of the actors. 我也是。通常都不是因為演員的關係。
    Then why do you cry? 那你為什麼哭?
    It's the story. 是故事。

  3. biggest 最大的
    I know. Some films have the biggest stars but no real power. 我知道,有些電影有最大咖,但是沒有真正的力量。
    Like Batman v. Superman. 比如說蝙蝠俠對超人。

  4. movie 電影
    But I love that movie! 可是我很愛那部電影!
    Oh, so much for liking a good story. 講了半天只喜歡好故事…

cry 哭泣
actor 演員
biggest 最大的
movie 電影


  1. Which movie won seven Oscars this year?
    A: Avatar: The Way of Water
    B: Everything Everywhere All at Once
    C: Top Gun: Maverick

  2. Which Oscar did Michelle Yeoh win?
    A: Best Actor
    B: Best Actress
    C: Best Supporting Actress

  3. Where is Michelle Yeoh from?
    A: Malaysia
    B: Mongolia
    C: Myanmar


  1. B
  2. B
  3. A