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Youngest Woman to Fly Solo Around the World

Youngest Woman to Fly Solo Around the World

News For Kids

2022/04/06 | 00:05:37 | SoundOn #education

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In Taiwan, you can get a driver's license when you are 18. Driving a car isn't easy… but after lots of practice, young people can become good drivers.

But can you imagine a 19-year-old woman flying around the world… by herself? All alone? In a tiny airplane?

That's what our story is about today. Zara Rutherfield is 19-years-old. She started learning to fly small airplanes when she was in junior high school!

Zara had a dream… she wanted to become the youngest woman to fly all the way around the world solo. "Solo" means "alone"… no one in the airplane but Zara.

And in January 2022 - she did it! It took Zara 155 days.

She had to stop many times and get gas for the airplane and food for herself… It was super hard… but she never gave up. She is now the youngest woman to fly solo around the world.

Why did Zara want to fly solo around the world?

She says we need more young women to become scientists, or pilots, or designers… and she hopes girls will see what she did and decide to follow her!

What do you think? Wanna fly around the world?


  1. World 世界
    I'd like to travel around the world, but not all by myself. 我想要環遊世界,但可不想只有我一個人。
    I understand. That would be lonely. 我懂。那會很寂寞的。

  2. Fly 飛行
    Flying a plane shouldn't be hard. 駕駛飛機應該不難。
    If she can do it, I can do it. 要是她做得到,我也做得到。
    You just need your glasses. 你只需要你的眼鏡。
    That's right. 你說對了。

  3. Pilot 飛行員
    A pilot's job must be interesting. 飛行員的工作一定很有趣。
    Yeah, you get to go to many places. 對呀,你可以去好多地方。

  4. Young 年輕的,youngest 最年輕的
    Who's the youngest in this class? 誰是這個班上最年輕的?
    Cindy. She's 22. 辛蒂,她二十二歲。
    That's not young. 那不年輕了。

world 世界
fly 飛行
pilot 飛行員
young 年輕的,youngest 最年輕的


  1. How old was Zara when she flew solo around the world?
    A: 5-years-old
    B: 14-years-old
    C: 19-years-old

  2. How long did it take Zara to fly around the world?
    A: 4 hours
    B: 1000 days
    C: 155 days

  3. Why did Zara fly around the world?
    A: She wants more girls to study math, science, and flying
    B: She doesn't like to walk
    C: She wants more boys to become pilots


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A