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Man Lost at Sea Eats Only Ketchup for 24 Days

Man Lost at Sea Eats Only Ketchup for 24 Days

News For Kids

2023/05/04 | 00:05:16 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I love ketchup. I put it on everything I eat. I eat it on hot dogs, hamburgers, rice. That's right. I sometimes put it on rice. Yum!

I love ketchup very much. But I don't eat only ketchup. I need some food to eat it with. Ketchup on French fries, on pizza, on… Oh, now I'm hungry!

But, did you hear the news? A man ate only ketchup for many days!

This man was working on a boat. It was not his boat. No one was with him. The boat went out to sea. Then it was too late. He was lost at sea!

The engine didn't work. The radio didn't work. He looked for food. He found a bottle of ketchup.

He was lost at sea for 24 days. He had ketchup to eat. He had some dirty water to drink. He had no other food! He made soup with ketchup and water. He ate it every day.
他在海上漂流了 24 天,只有番茄醬可以吃,另外還有一點骯髒的水。他用番茄醬跟水做成湯,每天都喝。

One day he had no more ketchup. But a ship found him that day! Whew, that's good news!

I love ketchup. But can I eat it for 24 days? I'm not sure. How about you?


  1. hungry 飢餓的
    I'm so hungry! 我餓死了!
    Did you eat everything in the fridge again? 你又把冰箱裡的東西都吃了?
    No, I didn't. There's some leftover pizza from yesterday. 沒有,還有昨天剩下的披薩。

  2. work 有用
    Ugh, I guess that will have to work. 好吧,只好那樣。
    Can you make me a sandwich, too? 你也可以幫我做個三明治嗎?
    Sure, I'll make you one. 當然,我來幫你做一個。

  3. soup 湯
    Since I'm already on it, let me make a soup, too. 既然我已經在做,來煮個湯好了。
    Oh, you're the best! 你最好了!

  4. for days 好幾天
    Wow, you look like you haven't eaten for days. 哇,你看起來好幾天沒吃飯了。
    Sorry, I can't help it. 真抱歉,我忍不住。

Are you hungry right now?
hungry 飢餓的
work 有用
soup 湯
for days 好幾天


  1. Where was the man lost?
    A: In a desert
    B: At sea
    C: In a jungle

  2. What did he have to eat?
    A: Ketchup
    B: Rice
    C: Hamburgers

  3. How long was he lost?
    A: 24 days
    B: 4 days
    C: 20 days


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A