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Wandering Elephants in China Heading Home

Wandering Elephants in China Heading Home

News For Kids

2021/09/03 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I'm so tired. That was a very long walk! I think I walked 10 kilometers!

But guess what? That distance is very short compared to the journey some elephants went on in China.

In China, there is a group of Asian elephants who became famous for going on a very, very long walk! 中國有一群大象很紅喔。

There are a total of 14 elephants in the group. 總共有十四頭。There are older, bigger elephants, and smaller, younger elephants. 牠們老少都有,體型也有大有小。

And they all went on a long walk together across China for 17 months! 這些大象在雲南省漫遊了十七個月! That is a very long time. More than a year!

Their journey was so famous that newspapers all over the world wrote about it. 世界各地的新聞都報導了這群大象的旅程。

Some people tracked -- or followed -- the elephants to make sure they stayed safe. The people say when the elephants finish their walk and go back home, the total distance of their journey would be 500 kilometers. 五百公里! That is a lot more than my 10 kilometers!

What is the longest distance you have ever walked? 你走過最長的路有多遠?



  1. Elephant 大象。
    Do you think elephants enjoy walking? 你覺得大象喜歡走路嗎?
    They walk to find food, so I think they do. 牠們走去尋找食物,所以我想喜歡。

  2. Famous 著名的。
    Those elephants are now famous! 那些大象現在很出名呢!
    Yeah, I've heard of them. 是啊,我有聽過牠們。

  3. Walk 走路。
    What do you do when you're angry? 你生氣時都做什麼?
    I take long walks. 我走很長的路。
    Does it help? 有幫助嗎?
    Not really. 其實沒什麼用。

  4. Kilometer 公里。
    How long do you usually walk? 你通常走多長?
    About one kilometer. 大約一公里。
    Only one kilometer? That's not long at all ! 只有一公里嗎!那根本不長啊!

Let's try to remember these words.
elephant 大象
famous 著名的
walk 走路
kilometer 公里


  1. What animals are being talked about in this story?
    A. Elephants
    B. Mice
    C. Monkeys

  2. What are these animals famous for?
    A. Flying
    B. Going on a long walk
    C. Eating a lot

  3. Where does this story take place?
    A. China
    B. Taiwan
    C. USA


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A