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How Much Exercise You Need After Sitting All Day

How Much Exercise You Need After Sitting All Day

News For Kids

2021/10/08 | 00:05:38 | SoundOn #education

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I have been sitting for too long. My back hurts, 我的背好痛,I need to stand up and walk around!

Did you know that sitting too long is not good for your body? 你知道坐太久對身體不好嗎?

Sitting can be very relaxing, and it feels nice, but if you sit too long, it is bad for your health! Really!

Scientists have done studies that prove if you sit for hours and hours, you are hurting your body. 科學家說坐太久會傷害身體。

But a lot of people need to sit for a very long time, for work, or for school. 但是很多人因為工作或是上課,需要一直坐著。

So scientists say you should try to exercise for about thirty to forty minutes a day. 每天花三到四十分鐘動一動。This will help keep your body healthy, even if you are sitting a lot.

Some good ideas for moving around are going for a walk or riding a bike. 去走走路,或是騎腳踏車。

These aren't very hard things to do, but it will keep you healthy! 這樣可以保持健康。

Doing things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, 選擇走樓梯, 不要搭電梯, or doing more chores around the house, 多做一點家事, are also good ways to keep moving. All of these activities keep your body strong.

That reminds me, I've been so busy talking that I forgot I need to get up and move around! I'm going for a walk!



  1. Move 動作。
    You have a bike in your room! 你房間裡有腳踏車!
    Yeah, I think better when I'm moving 是的,我動來動去時腦筋比較清楚。

  2. Healthy 健康的。
    It can certainly help keep you healthy. 對你保持健康一定會有幫助。
    Actually it's not enough, 其實這不夠,because I eat a lot of junk food. 因為我吃很多垃圾食物。

  3. Body 身體。
    Junk food can hurt your body. 垃圾食物可能傷害身體。
    But you already knew that. 不過你早就知道這一點。
    I do. Don't worry. 我知道,別擔心。
    My body is strong. 我身體強壯。

  4. Around 周圍。
    Where's Emily? Emily在哪裡?
    Somewhere around the house. 就在房子附近吧。
    She really likes to move around. 她就喜歡到處跑來跑去。

Please read the words after me.
healthy 健康的
body 身體
around 周圍


  1. What shouldn't you do for hours and hours?
    a. Sit
    b. Sing
    c. Stare

  2. Scientists say people should do how much exercise every day?
    a. 3-4 minutes
    b. 30-40 minutes
    c. 1 minute

  3. What is a good way to exercise?
    a. Sit some more
    b. Sleep
    c. Take a walk


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C