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Scientists Find the Oldest Galaxy in the Universe

Scientists Find the Oldest Galaxy in the Universe

News For Kids

2022/05/04 | 00:05:36 | SoundOn #education

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I love looking up at the sky! When you look at the sky, what can you see?

You might see an airplane, or a bird. What else can you see? Can you see the Sun? Or the Moon? Or the stars? Well, scientists can see a lot more than you and me!

When they are looking at the sky, scientists use a special tool called a 'telescope'. This helps them to see things that are really far away. The bigger the telescope, the more they can see!

The universe is super big, and it is made of lots of places. We call these places 'galaxies'. Our planet is in a galaxy too, called The Milky Way. We share our galaxy with the Sun, and the Moon.

Using their very big telescope, scientists have looked far out into space. And now, they have found a new galaxy! They think it is the oldest and biggest galaxy they have ever seen!

Isn't that cool?! But wait… if this galaxy is so big, how come no-one has ever seen it before?

Well, because it is so far away it looks really tiny! We can only see it with a very big telescope.

If the universe is that big, what else do you think they might find…?


  1. far away 遙遠的
    Will stars far away have planets like ours? 遙遠的恆星會不會有我們這樣的行星?
    That's what scientists want to know. 這是科學家想知道的。

  2. oldest 最老的
    Is Earth the oldest planet? 地球是不是最老的行星?
    No, I think Earth is still young. 不是,地球還很年輕呢。

  3. biggest 最大的
    Is our Sun the biggest star? 我們的太陽是不是最大的恆星?
    No! There are many big stars in the universe. 不是,宇宙有好多很大的恆星。

  4. find 找到
    I've found them! 我找到了!
    What did you find? 找到了什麼?
    The two moons of Mars. 火星的兩個月亮。

Try to use these words more.
far away 遙遠的
oldest 最老的
biggest 最大的
find 找到


  1. How did scientists find a new galaxy in the universe?
    A: With a new pair of sunglasses
    B: With a very big telescope
    C: With a very small video camera

  2. What is the name of our own galaxy?
    A: The Milky Way
    B: The Buttery Path
    C: The Creamy Road

  3. What is exciting about this new galaxy?
    A: It is full of cake and ice-cream
    B: It is bigger and older than any other galaxy
    C: It is made of cheese and dreams


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B