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25 Years of Beach Legos

25 Years of Beach Legos

News For Kids

2022/03/31 | 00:05:38 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


In 1997… 25 years ago… way, way, way before some of you were born… a container ship got hit by a huge wave!

The ship was sailing near the UK when the wave hit. The ship was lucky. It didn't sink… but more than 60 containers fell off the ship and into the ocean.

One of the containers was full of Legos! Lots of Legos. There were about 5 million Lego pieces in that container.

Legos are made out of plastic… so they float. Every year since the Legos fell in the water in 1997, Lego pieces have been washing up on beaches in the UK.

Every year, some people in the UK like to go hunting for Legos… yup! They go to the beaches and try to find Legos. The hunters like to show each other what Legos they found… and hunting for Legos is kind of fun.

But, of course, it's not so fun for the ocean. There is a lot of plastic in the ocean… and the problem is that plastic doesn't go away.

So… make sure you don't throw any plastic into the ocean!


  1. Hit 打
    Our ship was hit by waves after waves. 我們的船被一波一波的海浪打到。
    What happened then? 然後怎麼樣?
    Then I fell into the sea! 然後我掉到了海裡!

  2. Beach 海灘
    Wow! Were you washed up onto a beach? 你被沖到了沙灘上嗎?
    Like in the movies? 像在電影裡那樣?
    No, I wasn't! 我沒有!
    I swam to the beach. 我游到了海灘。

  3. Float 漂浮
    Ice floats on water. 冰塊浮在水上。
    Plastic floats too. 塑膠也會漂浮。
    That's right. 對的。

  4. Sink 下沉
    Ice and plastic don't sink. 冰塊和塑膠不會下沉。
    But coins always sink in the water. 但是硬幣總是沉在水裡。
    Yeah, they are heavy. 對,硬幣很重。

hit 打
beach 海灘
float 漂浮
sink 下沉


  1. Why did the Legos fall into the ocean?
    A: A kid threw them in
    B: A wave pushed containers off a ship
    C: An airplane full of Legos crashed into it

  2. What do some people in the UK like to do?
    A: They like to hunt for Legos on the beach
    B: They like to play with Legos under the ocean
    C: They like to find huge waves of Legos

  3. How long can plastic stay in the ocean?
    A: Not long. Maybe for one year
    B: Super long. Maybe for 1000 years!
    C: A little long. Maybe 25 years


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B