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Saving Fish by Removing Dams

Saving Fish by Removing Dams

News For Kids

2023/01/04 | 00:05:13 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


A river is very strong. It takes water from the mountains to the ocean, and it's always pushing forward. A river is full of power!

How can people use that power? On many rivers, people build a dam. A dam is a wall across the river. The dam can hold back the water, and use the river's power to make electricity for people.

More dams make more power, and more electricity for us to use. That sounds good… but actually, people have decided to remove the dams from a river in California.

That's because people are not the only ones who use the river. Fish also need to live there.

For the salmon, the river is like a road. Every year, the salmon swim up the river to lay their eggs.

When the eggs hatch, the baby salmon swim back down the river to reach the ocean. It's the circle of life.

But those fish can't swim up and down the river if there is a dam! To help the salmon live, people in California will take the dams away.

Even though dams are useful, they also harm the environment. Let's respect the fish and take those dams down!


  1. lay eggs 產卵
    My goldfish has laid many eggs! 我的金魚生了好多蛋!
    Come take a look. 你來看看。
    Wow, how wonderful! 哇,好神奇!

  2. hatch 孵化
    What are you going to do with them? 你要拿這些蛋怎麼辦?
    I'll just let them hatch. 就讓它們孵化。
    No, you can't do that. The other goldfish will quickly eat them. 不能那樣,別的金魚很快就會把它們吃掉。

  3. decide 決定
    You need to decide if you want to see baby goldfish. 你得決定是不是想看到金魚寶寶。
    And if I do? 要是我想呢?
    Then you must take away the other fish. 那你得把別的魚拿走。

  4. live 居住
    They can live in your bathtub for a while. 它們可以在你的澡盆裡住一陣子。
    What? No! 什麼啊,我才不要!
    You have a fish tank, right? 你有水族箱,對吧?

lay eggs 產卵
hatch 孵化
decide 決定
live 居住


  1. What is a dam?
    A: A wall
    B: A boat
    C: A fish

  2. Why are people removing dams?
    A: To build even bigger dams
    B: To make more power
    C: To help the fish

  3. Where are people removing dams?
    A: Canada
    B: California
    C: Korea


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B