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Boxing Day

Boxing Day

News For Kids

2021/12/23 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


December 26th is the day after Christmas…

But December 26th is also a special day for some people! It's a holiday in many places, such as the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and Canada.

December 26th is called "Boxing Day."

Boxing Day? Does that mean a day for boxing?

No… no boxing on Boxing Day. Boxing Day is almost like a second Christmas.
禮物日不打拳。Boxing Day就像第二個Christmas。

The tradition comes from a really nice idea. Many years ago, on the day after Christmas, people would give gifts or a little money to their workers or to poor people.

They would put the gifts or the money in small boxes.

So, people started calling the day, "Boxing Day."

But today, Boxing Day is mostly just a day for shopping… yeah… more shopping!

Hmm. Maybe we should go back to the old Boxing Day idea and give gifts to people who need them.

What do you think?


  1. Box 盒子。
    I'm going to give our teacher a gift box.我要送我們老師一個禮物盒。
    What did you put in the box? 你在盒子裡放了什麼?
    A beautiful pair of socks. It's winter time! 一雙漂亮的襪子。現在是冬天啊!

  2. Second 第二。
    You'll be the second one to give the teacher a gift. 你是第二個送禮物給老師的人。
    What? Who's the first? 什麼?那誰是第一個?
    Me! 是我。

  3. Gift 禮物。
    What will you give her? 你要送她什麼?
    I'm not telling you. 不告訴你。
    It's something special… 它很特別… and I already gave the gift to her. 而且我已經把禮物送給她了。

  4. Tradition 傳統。
    Boxing Day is a tradition in many countries. 禮物日在很多國家是個傳統。
    It's a good tradition. 它是個好傳統。
    I love sales. 我喜歡大減價。

box 盒子
second 第二
gift 禮物
tradition 傳統


  1. What day is Boxing Day on?
    A: December 25th
    B: December 26th
    C: December 32nd

  2. What's the story of Boxing Day?
    A: On the day after Christmas, people gave gifts to poor people
    B: On the day after Christmas, people went to watch boxing
    C: On the night before Christmas, people looked at boxes

  3. What do many people do on Boxing Day now?
    A: They play with boxes
    B: They go to church
    C: They go shopping


  1. B
  2. A
  3. C