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Athlete Spends 500 Days Alone

Athlete Spends 500 Days Alone

News For Kids

2023/05/23 | 00:05:13 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Athlete Spends 500 Days Alone

There's an athlete from Spain who really likes to be alone…

The athlete's name is Beatriz Flamini. She's a mountain climber. Beatriz had a question. What does being alone for a long time do to someone?
她叫做 Beatriz Flamini,是一位登山家。她想知道長時間一個人會有什麼影響。

She spent almost a year and a half by herself! Underground! In a cave!

Beatriz went underground in November 2021. She was all alone. But Beatriz had lots to do in the cave. She exercised. She read books, drew pictures, and… she knitted lots of woolly hats!
Beatriz 在 2021 年 11 月開始單 獨住在地洞裡面,她做運動、讀書、畫畫,還織了很多毛線帽!

Far, far away, some scientists were watching Beatriz. They could not talk to her. And she could not talk to them. They were watching Beatriz to make sure she was safe.
科學家在外面監測 Beatriz,確保 Beatriz 的安危。但是 Beatriz 沒辦法跟他們溝通,他們也沒有辦法跟她溝通。

Beatriz came out of her cave last month. She had been alone for 500 days! She said she really needed a shower. She had not washed for nearly a year and a half! Eww…

500 days is a very long time. But Beatriz loved it! She said she didn't want to leave!
Beatriz 在上個月離開洞穴,她在裡面待了 500 天!她說她想好好洗個澡,因為她已經 500 天都沒洗過,也說喜歡單獨一個人的生活,不想要離開。

Could you be alone for 500 days?


  1. spend 花費
    Can you imagine being alone for such a long time? 你能想像自己一人那麼久嗎?
    Spending time with yourself only? 只有跟自己消磨時間?
    I have no problem talking to myself. 自言自語對我不是問題。

  2. question 問題,answer 回答
    Uhm, I've heard you asking and answering questions all by yourself. 我有聽過你自問自答。
    That's not crazy, right? 那不算瘋狂,對吧?

  3. find 認為
    Not if it makes sense. 只要聽得懂就不算。
    Really, why do people find living alone strange? 說真的,為什麼大家覺得獨居很奇怪?

  4. read 閱讀
    Not me. 我不會。
    I enjoy reading and drawing. 我愛閱讀,畫畫。
    I prefer to be alone. 我喜歡獨處。

spend 花費
question 問題
answer 回答
find 認為
read 閱讀


  1. What is Beatriz's job?
    A: Mountain climber
    B: Picture drawer
    C: Book reader

  2. In what month did Beatriz go underground?
    A: October
    B: November
    C: December

  3. What did Beatriz need when she left the cave?
    A: A scientist
    B: A woolly hat
    C: A shower


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C