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Potato Milk

Potato Milk

News For Kids

2022/03/10 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you like soy milk?

I do!

I drink soy milk almost every morning!

But, there are now lots of other kinds of milk, too!

There is oat milk… and almond milk… but here's a new one: potato milk!

Really?? Potato milk?

Sounds weird, right?

But people who have tried it say it is delicious!

Potato milk doesn't have as much protein as soy milk or almond mil … but potatoes are very easy to grow and don't need much water or land.

It's what we call a "sustainable" product… it means you don't need to use so much energy or water or land to get it.

Oat milk or soy milk is not as sustainable as potato milk… and these days, people are looking for sustainable food ideas.

There are now almost 8 billion people living on this earth!

8 billion!

That's a lot of people!

It's already hard to grow enough food to feed all the world's people… so sustainable ideas for growing food are becoming very important.

Hmm… potato milk… what do you think?

Does it sound yummy?

Yeah. I think I'd like to try some!


  1. Potato 馬鈴薯。
    I'm growing potatoes. 我在種馬鈴薯。
    So that you can make French fries? 好來做薯條嗎?
    No, I'm trying to make potato milk. 不,我要試做馬鈴薯奶。

  2. A lot of 很多。
    That doesn't sound delicious. 聽起來不好喝。
    I know. But I heard that a lot of people like potato milk. 我知道,但我聽說很多人喜歡馬鈴薯奶。

  3. People 人們。
    Those people may be allergic to cow's milk. 那些人可能對牛奶過敏。
    Or some people just want to try something new. 也有人只想試試新東西。

  4. Look for 尋找。
    I'm often looking for new places for my dinner. 我經常找新的地方吃晚飯。
    What have you found? 你找到了什麼呢?
    A noodle shop nearby. 附近一家麵館。

We use these words all the time.
potato 馬鈴薯
a lot of 很多
people 人們
look for 尋找


  1. What is this story about?
    A: Things cows like to eat
    B: A new kind of milk
    C: Ice cream made from flowers

  2. What does 'sustainable' food mean?
    A: It doesn't need too much water or land to grow
    B: It comes from a cow or a horse
    C: It's a kind of food for tigers

  3. How many people are there on earth today?
    A: Almost 8 billion!
    B: Almost 80 million!
    C: 5


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A