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A Shield to Make People Invisible

A Shield to Make People Invisible

News For Kids

2022/04/28 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

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Hey, kids? Are you Harry Potter fans? He's a pretty cool character.

If you are a fan of Harry Potter, then you know about his cloak of invisibility. He wears this to become invisible.

It would be great if there really were a cloak of invisibility. You could do so many interesting things with it. It would be good for a game of hide-and-seek!

Well, one company in London, England, has made something that can make you invisible. It's not a cloak. It's a shield. But this shield is not made from metal, and it is not heavy. It's easy to carry.

The way it works is a bit hard to understand. But it is all about the way it reflects light. The shield reflects light in a special way. It reflects light so that things behind it can't be seen. So, if people stand behind it, you can't see them.

The shield works best when there is a lot of light. So, it works best when the sun is shining brightly.

It comes in two different sizes. The bigger one is almost a meter high. The other one is about 30 centimeters.

There are so many ways you could use this. You could have fun hiding from your friends with it. But there are a lot of other ways people could use it, especially if they could make bigger shields. You could hide your car, or even your house!

If you had an invisible shield, what would you hide with it?


  1. hide 躲藏
    Where did you hide my cell phone? 你把我的手機藏到哪了?
    I didn't hide anything. 我沒有藏任何東西。
    Then where is it? 那它在哪裡?
    Right behind your books. 就在你那堆書後面。

  2. behind 在之後
    Here it is! 在這裡!
    How did you know it was behind the books? 你怎麼知道在書後面?
    It's easy to see if you're standing. 要是你站著,很容易看到。

  3. easy 容易的
    I love my phone. It's so easy to use. 我喜歡我的手機,它很好用。
    Mine is not easy at all. 我的一點兒也不好用。

  4. heavy 重的
    That's because it's too heavy. 那是因為它太重。
    Yeah, what can I say? It was a gift. 我能怎麼說?它是個贈品。

hide 躲藏
behind 在之後
easy 容易的
heavy 重的


  1. What is true about the shield?
    A: It is made of metal.
    B: It is very heavy.
    C: It easy to carry.

  2. How many sizes does the shield come in?
    A: 1
    B: 2
    C: 3

  3. When does the shield work the best?
    A: When it is sunny
    B: On cloudy days
    C: At night


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A