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Robot Pizza Chefs

Robot Pizza Chefs

News For Kids

2022/01/14 | 00:05:28 | SoundOn #education

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Ohhh, do you ever feel hungry, but also too lazy to actually cook anything?

Wouldn't it be nice if you could push a button and your kitchen just made you something to eat?

Well, now you can! With robot chefs! They'll make your food, and even wash the dishes too!
現在有機器廚師, 不但做飯後還會洗碗!

It's very expensive to put these robot chef arms in your kitchen, but some restaurants are already doing it!

Like at a pizza restaurant in Paris. They hired a pizza making world-champion to help make sure the robots made per fect pizzas.

All the customer has to do is push a button and pay.

From the pizza dough to the toppings, the robot arms can prepare a pizza in about 45 seconds. Then after a few minutes in the oven, your pizza is served!

Soon we might see more robots in restaurants or even in people's homes!

But until then, I guess I'll have to make my own lunch.

Ohhhh, and right now pizza does sound pretty good.


1) Robot 機器人。
Would you like to have a pizza-making robot? 你想有一個做披薩的機器人嗎?
I make my own pizza. I don't need a robot. 我自己做披薩,我不需要機器人。

2) Button 按鈕。
But think about it. 但是你想想看。
Just push a button and a hot pizza is done. 只需要按一個按鈕,熱騰騰的披薩就做好了。

3) Kitchen 廚房。
No, I don't want a machine in my kitchen. 不了,我不要廚房裡有個機器。
So… the dishwasher in your kitchen is not a machine? 所以你廚房的洗碗機不是機器?
No, it's not. 不是。

4) Prepare 準備。
I'm preparing dinner. 我正在準備晚飯。
For me? How nice of you! 替我準備嗎?你人真好!
No problem. I just need to push some buttons. 沒問題的,我只需要按幾個按鈕。

Let's read the vocabulary together.
robot 機器人
button 按鈕
kitchen 廚房
prepare 準備


  1. What kind of robots are talked about in the story?
    A: Robot drivers
    B: Robot chefs
    C: Robot dancers

  2. What are the robots making?
    A: Pizza
    B: Ice cream
    C: Snowmen

  3. Where is this happening?
    A: Paris
    B: Taipei
    C: Kaohisung

  4. B
  5. A
  6. A