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Massive Kaohsiung Cabbage

Massive Kaohsiung Cabbage

News For Kids

2022/02/25 | 00:05:27 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Can you imagine a cabbage that weighs 15 kilos? Many young children don't weigh 15 kilos!

But there is a cabbage that was grown in Kaohsiung… and it's 10 times bigger than most cabbages… and weighs almost 15 kilos!

How did the cabbage grow so big? The Kaohsiung farmers found some land that was very clean… no pollution… and they didn't use any chemicals when they were growing it.

And… the farmers played music to the cabbage!

Some people think talking to plants and playing music to plants makes plants happy… and, well, it might be true!

Whatever the Kaohsiung farmers did… it worked! This huge Kaohsiung cabbage is amazing…

And the farmers say if we use clean land with no pollution and don't use chemicals… we could grow better and bigger vegetables.

Hmmm… Maybe we should think about how we grow our fruits and vegetables… not just to make them big, but to make them healthier for us!


  1. Cabbage 高麗菜。
    I love cabbage. 我喜歡高麗菜。
    It makes wonderful soup. 它可以做很棒的湯。
    And your cabbage is growing big! 而你的高麗菜長好大了!

  2. Amazing 驚人的。
    It's amazing that cabbages can be so big. 高麗菜能長這麼大,真驚人。
    I know. I can't wait to eat it. 我知道,我等不及要吃它了。
    I hope it tastes good. 希望它好吃。

  3. Grow 種植。
    I'm growing some roses. 我在種玫瑰花。
    Wow! So colorful! 哇,真是色彩繽紛!
    I'm also growing tomatoes and potatoes. 我也在種番茄和馬鈴薯。

  4. Farmer 農夫。
    So are you turning into a farmer? 所以你變成農夫了嗎?
    Yeah, a farmer on the roof. 對,屋頂上的農夫。

Do you like cabbage? Let's read the words.
cabbage 高麗菜
amazing 驚人的
grow 種植
farmer 農夫


1. How much does the big Kaohsiung cabbage weigh?
A: Almost 150 kilos
B: Almost 5 kilos
C: Almost 15 kilos

  1. What's one special thing the farmers did for the cabbage?
    A: They played music for it
    B: They played video games with it
    C: They screamed at it

  2. What do the farmers hope we can learn?
    A: How to grow better vegetables with no chemicals
    B: How to swim
    C: How to listen to music

1: C
2: A
3: A