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Men Use Turbans to Save Hikers

Men Use Turbans to Save Hikers

News For Kids

2022/01/10 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Do you guys like hiking?

Hiking is great. But it can be dangerous, too. If you are not careful, you can fall. Or you might get too close to a strong river.

That's what happened to two men in Canada. They were hiking too close to a river and got trapped.

But they were lucky. Five other men saw them. These five men were going to look at a nice waterfall. There was just one problem. The two men were down by the river… The five other men were high above them.

They didn't have a rope, so they did something very smart. Some of the five men were wearing turbans.

Turban 是回教徒男子頭上的頭巾。

They took off their turbans and they tied them together. They also tied their jackets to the turbans. They made a rope from the turbans and jackets.

They lowered the turbans and jackets down to the two men. Then the two men climbed up the rock… Wow! Those guys are really smart! And they are heroes, too!


  1. Hike 健行。
    Do you enjoy hiking, Ryan? 你喜歡健行嗎?
    Oh yes, I love hiking along the northeastern coast. 喜歡,我喜歡沿著東北海岸健行。
    Let's go there this weekend. 我們這個周末就去那兒吧。

  2. Smart 聰明的。
    The five hikers made a smart move. 那五個登山客採取了明智的行動。
    They're not only smart. 他們不只是聰明。
    They are also quick. 他們反應也很快。

  3. Tie 綁住。
    Tie your ties together and you can make a rope. 把你的領帶都綁在一起,可以做一條繩子。
    Right, "tie" also means 領帶。對,它也有領帶的意思。

  4. Climb 攀爬。
    Do you think you can climb up that mountain? 你覺得你可以爬上去那座山嗎?
    Sure, if you climb with me. 可以,要是你跟我一起的話。

Let's read the words together.
hike 健行
smart 聰明的
tie 綁住
climb 攀爬


  1. What happened to the two men in the story?
    A: They went hiking too close to a river.
    B: They fell into a waterfall.
    C: They fell from their boat into a river.

  2. What did the five men want to look at?
    A: A strong river
    B: A nice waterfall
    C: A big mountain

  3. How did the five men save the two men?
    A: They used a large rope.
    B: They used a special machine.
    C: They used jackets and turbans.

  4. A
  5. B
  6. C