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Which Countries Count Down First and Last

Which Countries Count Down First and Last

News For Kids

2021/12/31 | 00:05:30 | SoundOn #education

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Three… two… one! Happy new year!

Are you excited for the New Year's countdown tonight?

A New Year's countdown is when it is ten seconds away from midnight on New Year's Eve.

Then, you count the seconds backwards all the way to one, then it's the New Year!

But not everyone celebrates the New Year at the same time. That's because we all live in different places around the world!

So who gets to celebrate the New Year first? The people in Tonga get to celebrate first!

Tonga is a country in the Pacific Ocean, It is very small, and every year they are the first people to welcome the New Year.

Who celebrates the new year last? American Samoa! American Samoa is a group of very small islands, and it is also in the Pacific Ocean.

People who live there will be the last people in the world to yell, "Happy New Year!"

But it doesn't matter where you are, everyone gets to celebrate the New Year!

How are you celebrating tonight?


  1. Count 數,countdown 倒數。
    We will begin the countdown 10 minutes before midnight. 我們會在午夜之前十分鐘開始倒數。
    Then you'll have a lot of numbers to count. 那你要數好多數字!

  2. Midnight 午夜。
    Yeah, it'll be fun. 會很好玩的。
    Then at midnight, we'll yell together, "Happy New Year!" 然後到了子夜,我們會一起叫【新年快樂!】

  3. Celebrate 慶祝。
    That's a good way to celebrate. 這是很好的慶祝法。
    Come celebrate with us! 來加入我們一起慶祝吧!

  4. Island 島嶼。
    Taiwan is a big island. 台灣是個大島。
    It's not as big as Iceland. 它沒有冰島那麼大。
    No, but Taiwan is warmer. 是沒有,不過台灣比較溫暖。

Let's read the words together.
count 數
countdown 倒數
midnight 午夜
celebrate 慶祝

Happy New Year!


  1. What is a New Year's countdown?
    a. A countdown to New Year's Day
    b. A countdown to my birthday
    c. A countdown after New Year's Day

  2. Who celebrates the New Year first?
    a. Taiwan
    b. Tonga
    c. Congo

  3. Who celebrates the New Year last?
    a. American Samoa
    b. American Samosa
    c. South America


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A