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Sofa Bikes for Old People and Disabled

Sofa Bikes for Old People and Disabled

News For Kids

2022/04/19 | 00:05:36 | SoundOn #education

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Hi, everyone. Do you like riding a bike for fun? I do. I really enjoy cycling. That's another name for bike riding… "cycling".

Lots of people like cycling. But some people can't do it. Some people are too old to ride a bike anymore. Some old people are very weak. Also, some people are not old, but they are disabled.

It is hard for them to go anywhere. They might get lonely and sad.

There is a group that can help all these people. It's called Cycling Without Age. Cycling Without Age has many volunteers. These volunteers give old people and disabled people rides on bikes.

This is a great, free service.

The volunteers can take them to a park. Or they can take them to a beautiful forest.

The bikes they use are special. They have three wheels. They are like a "sofa bike." Two people can sit on chairs in front of the bike. They don't have to pedal. They just sit and relax. Another person sits behind them and does all the work. That is the volunteer.

There is a Cycling Without Age group in about 50 countries around the world.

Maybe Taiwan will have one someday. That would be great!


  1. Group 團體
    This group helps people go outdoors. 這個團體幫助人走出戶外。
    It's a wonderful idea, isn't it? 真是個好主意,不是嗎?

  2. Enjoy 喜歡
    I don't enjoy cycling when it's cold. 天氣冷的時候我不喜歡騎車。
    Really? I enjoy it a lot! 真的?我很喜歡呢!
    I just put on warm clothes. 我就穿上暖和的衣服。

  3. Disabled 身體有障礙的
    This hotel is very friendly for the disabled. 這家旅館對身體障礙人士很友善。
    How so? 怎麼說?
    It uses sign language for room numbers. 它用手語來表示房間號碼。

  4. Volunteer 志工
    Would you like to be a volunteer at the Taipei Zoo? 你想當台北動物園的志工嗎?
    Can I? That would be great! 我可以嗎?那太棒了!

group 團體
enjoy 喜歡
disabled 身體有障礙
volunteer 志工


  1. Who is Cycling Without Age for?
    A: People who are old and weak.
    B: People who have problems with their body.
    C: Both A & B.

  2. Who does all the work with a Cycling Without Age bike?
    A: People who sit in the front seats.
    B: Family members of old people.
    C: The person sitting in the back.

  3. How many countries have Cycling Without Age?
    A: 15
    B: 50
    C: 150


  1. C
  2. C
  3. B