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Boy Hopes to Have Book Published

Boy Hopes to Have Book Published

News For Kids

2023/03/02 | 00:05:04 | SoundOn #education

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Oh, hey there! Let me get out of here first so I don't bother anybody.

Okay, now I can speak more loudly. I was just in the library reading a book. Reading is one of my favorite things to do to pass the time. It's my favorite hobby.

I love reading fantasy stories and imagining the characters' adventures in my head.

I have always wanted to write my own book, but writing is hard!

It's not so hard for a talented little boy named Jayce though. Jayce was only three years old when he started writing. That's impressive!
不過對於 Jayce 來說,寫作不難,他三歲就開始寫了。

Now, Jayce is four years old, and he has already written two books!

These books are being published this March. They are called "A Beach With No Sea" and "Jayce's Sweet Tooth".

The stories are about Jayce's trips to the park, museum and zoo.
這兩本書叫做「沒有海的海灘」跟「Jayce 愛吃糖」,講的是他去公園、博物館,跟動物園的故事,三月會出版。

Those sound like fun books to read! I don't think I have ever read a book written by a four year old boy before.

And, great news: today is World Book Day! So grab a book and start reading! Or maybe you could write one yourself!


  1. adventure 探險
    I want to write a book for children. 我要寫一本童書。
    Really? What's it about? 真的喔,講什麼呢?
    About a crocodile going on an adventure in Paris. 講一隻鱷魚在巴黎探險。

  2. fun 好玩的
    Hmmm, that sounds like a lot of fun! 聽起來很好玩!
    It is. It's a fun book. 是很好玩。是一本好玩的書。
    But I feel I've read it before. 可是我覺得我以前看過。

  3. start 開始
    Impossible. 不可能。
    I haven't started writing it. 我還沒開始寫呢。
    Perhaps someone else has? 也許別人寫過了?

  4. story 故事
    Anyway, the story was called "Mr. Crocodile in Paris." 不管怎樣,那個故事叫做「鱷魚先生遊巴黎」。
    Wow, that should be my story. 哇,那應該是我的故事。
    It's already written. 已經寫出來了。

adventure 探險
fun 好玩的
start 開始
story 故事


  1. How old is the boy in this story?
    A. Three
    B. Four
    C. Five

  2. What does he like to do?
    A. Write
    B. Sing
    C. Run

  3. How many books has he written?
    A. Two
    B. Three
    C. None


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A