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A Computer that Runs on Algae

A Computer that Runs on Algae

News For Kids

2022/06/20 | 00:05:29 | SoundOn #education

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Hi, everyone! I want to tell you about a really cool type of energy.

You guys know about clean energy from the sun and wind, right? But do you know about energy from algae?

Algae are those green things you see in water sometimes. You can find them in all kinds of water, like lakes and the ocean.

It is kind of yucky if you swim in algae, it's so slimy! But, algae can also be used to make clean energy.

Algae are plants. All plants use photosynthesis.

Plants use photosynthesis to make energy, which helps them grow. Now people are using this energy to make electricity. Wow! It's like a battery that keeps making power!

The scientists have used this algae battery for more than a year. And it's still making enough energy to power a small computer!

This is so exciting! Why? Well, algae doesn't cost anything, you can get it almost everywhere!

We use a lot of energy every day. This algae battery can help us a lot. It can help make the world a cleaner place!


  1. energy 能源
    I'm so tired today, no energy whatsoever. 我今天好累,完全沒有勁兒。
    You need a little time to recharge. 你需要一點時間充電。
    Let me get you some chocolate ice cream. 我去給你弄點巧克力冰淇淋。

  2. use 使用
    So we're using ice cream as energy? 所以我們現在用冰淇淋當作能源?
    Why not? It's the best one we can use right now. 為什麼不?它是我們現在能用的最佳能源。

  3. cost 花費
    And it doesn't cost much. 而且它花不了多少錢。
    No, it only costs 200 NT. 對,只花了兩百塊。

  4. battery 電池
    My cell phone's battery is dead. 我的手機電池完蛋了。
    That's not fun. 那不好玩。
    This store should have the battery you need. 這家店應該有你需要的電池。

energy 能源
use 使用
cost 花費
battery 電池


  1. Where can you find algae?
    A: Only in lakes
    B: Only in oceans
    C: In all kinds of water

  2. What did scientists use algae to do?
    A: Build a small computer
    B: Give power to a small computer
    C: Clean the ocean

  3. Why is energy from algae like energy from the wind and sun?
    A: They are all clean energy
    B: They are all easy to use
    C: They all use photosynthesis


  1. C
  2. B
  3. A