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You Can Get Stronger by Flexing 3 Seconds a Day

You Can Get Stronger by Flexing 3 Seconds a Day

News For Kids

2022/04/18 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

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Argh! Exercise is so tiring! I'm exhausted.

I don't like working out.

It takes so much time, and I'm always so tired afterward.

I wish there was an easier way I could get stronger, without spending all this time at the gym.

Actually, have you heard? There is new research that says if people flex their biceps as hard as they can, for just three seconds a day, they can get stronger.

Flexing is when you make your muscles tight.

And biceps are the round muscle in your upper arm.

This research showed that people who did this three seconds a day got stronger by as much as twelve percent after one month!

Three seconds seems like such a short time to "exercise," but according to the research, it really works!

That doesn't sound so bad! It's easier than going to the gym every day, and exercising for hours and hours!

All you have to do is spend at least three seconds every day flexing your muscles as hard as you can.

And that's it! That's all you have to do. I'm going to try this, and I will find out after one month if my muscles are stronger! Wish me luck!


  1. Muscle 肌肉
    Eating meat will help you build your muscles. 吃肉可以幫你增加肌肉。
    I eat a lot of eggs and fish.我吃很多雞蛋跟魚。
    Will that help my muscles grow? 那會幫助肌肉生長嗎?
    Yeah. 會。

  2. Work out 運動
    I really need to work out. 我真需要運動。
    I've eaten too much. 我吃太多了。
    I know. The cheesecake is just too good! 我知道,那個起司蛋糕太美味了!

  3. Gym 健身房
    I hate going to the gym. 我討厭去健身房。
    Exercising there is not fun. 在那裡運動不好玩。
    I don't like the gym either.我也不喜歡健身房。

  4. Stronger 更強壯
    But it can make you stronger. 但是它可以讓你更強壯。
    I'm already strong. 我已經很壯了。

meat 肉
work out 運動
gym 健身房
stronger 更強壯


  1. What does "flexing" mean in this story?
    A. Tightening your muscles
    B. Loosening your muscles
    C. Massaging your muscles

  2. How long should you flex your biceps every day to get stronger?
    A. 3 seconds
    B. 3 minutes
    C. 3 hours

  3. How much stronger did people who did this get?
    A. 12% stronger
    B. 20% stronger
    C. They didn't get stronger


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A