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Rooster Causes Big Problem For Neighbors

Rooster Causes Big Problem For Neighbors

News For Kids

2022/09/14 | 00:05:36 | SoundOn #education

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Hi students, have you guys ever been to a farm? If you have, you know there are many animals on a farm. Cows moo… pigs oink… dogs bark… And the noisiest are roosters.

Have you ever heard a rooster? The sound a rooster makes is called a "crow". A rooster crows.

Roosters are OK on farms. But they aren't good in cities. How would you feel if your neighbor had a rooster? You would probably be mad, right? This is what happened in Germany.

In Germany, a man and a woman are really mad at their neighbor. Their neighbor has a very noisy rooster.

The couple said the rooster crows 200 times a day! The rooster starts to crow at 8 a.m. It keeps crowing until sunset, when the sun goes down.
那隻公雞從日出叫到日落,一天可以叫 200 次!

No wonder they are mad! The man and woman said they talked to the neighbor about the rooster. But the neighbor didn't do anything about the noise.

So, the man and woman sued him. They want the rooster to be taken away.

They say a rooster belongs on a farm… not in a city, where people live close to each other.

What do you think? Do you think the man and woman will win?


  1. farm 農場
    Wow! Do you hear that? 你聽到了嗎?
    Yeah, I smell it too. 也聞到了。
    There must be a chicken farm nearby. 附近一定有養雞場。
    Right, you grew up on a farm. 對,你是在農場長大的。

  2. city 城市
    So do you prefer the city now? 所以現在你比較喜歡城市嗎?
    No, but I work in a city now. 不喜歡,不過我現在在市區工作。

  3. bark 吠
    Hey, stop barking like that! 不要那樣叫!
    It's no use talking to a dog. 跟狗狗講話沒有用的。
    You need to do this. 你要這樣做!

  4. mad 生氣的
    I think it's mad at me. 我覺得牠在跟我生氣。
    Why? You didn't do anything. 為什麼,你又沒做什麼。

Do prefer a farm or a city?
farm 農場
city 城市
bark 吠叫
mad 生氣的


  1. Where do the man and woman live?
    A: In a city
    B: On a farm
    C: In America

  2. Why are the man and woman mad at their neighbor?
    A: He hurt their rooster
    B: He has too many animals
    C: His rooster is very noisy

  3. How many times a day does the rooster crow?
    A: 100
    B: 200
    C: 300


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B