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New Doll Has a Hearing Aid

New Doll Has a Hearing Aid

News For Kids

2022/09/23 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


We use our ears to hear many things, like music, animals, and of course, talking.

But many people cannot hear. So how do they talk with other people?

One way is with sign language. People can use their hands to talk! For example, they can touch their mouth to say thank you. They can wave their hand to say goodbye. This is called "sign language".

In fact, today is International Day of Sign Languages!

You can try it too. Put your hands on your heart. Do you know what this means? This means "love".

Another way people can hear is with a hearing aid. This is a machine people put in their ears to help them hear. Many people use one.

Now there is even a doll with a hearing aid! This doll was made to show kids that it is okay to use a hearing aid.

Today is International Day of Sign Languages, so let's remember that people don't all talk or hear in the same way. Some use sign language, some use a hearing aid, but we all love to talk and be heard.


  1. mouth 嘴巴
    Why are you touching your mouth like that? 為什麼你那樣碰你的嘴?
    This means thank you. 這表示謝謝你。

  2. language 語言
    So you're learning sign language? 所以你在學手語?
    Yeah, my mom is losing her hearing. 對,我媽媽的聽力快不行了。
    We're all learning sign language now. 我們現在都在學。

  3. ear 耳朵
    It's easy and fun. 很容易的,也很好玩。
    See, just put your hand behind your ear… 你看,把手放在耳朵後面…
    And it means "listen." 意思是「注意聽」。

  4. wave 揮舞
    You're right. 你說對了!
    And if I wave like this… 假如我這樣揮手…
    It means you want me to leave. Good-bye. 意思是你要我離開。拜拜。

你有學過手語嗎? Let's read today's vocabulary.
mouth 嘴巴
language 語言
ear 耳朵
wave 揮舞


  1. What day is today?
    A: Christmas Day
    B: Valentine's Day
    C: International Sign Language Day

  2. How do people use sign language?
    A: They use their feet
    B: They use their hands
    C: They use their voice

  3. What is special about the new doll?
    A: It is a robot
    B: It can speak English
    C: It has a hearing aid


  1. C
  2. B
  3. C