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Thailand Goes Big For Songkran

Thailand Goes Big For Songkran

News For Kids

2023/04/13 | 00:05:16 | SoundOn #education

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Today is the start of the traditional New Year in Thailand!

The Thai New Year is called Songkran. It is in April every year. It's Thailand's most famous festival. There's a lot of music and dancing!

There's a lot of water too. Water is very important for Songkran. There are lots of big water fights! People throw water at each other. They shoot water guns! Everyone has fun. And everyone gets very, very wet!

There are lots of competitions at Songkran. There are cool drum competitions. The drums are very big! The drummers can use any part of their body. They use their hands, their feet, their elbows… or their heads!

In Thailand, Songkran is very important for Buddhists. They go to a temple. They pour water on images of the Buddha. They also pour water on the hands of Buddhist monks. This is a sign of respect.

Thailand wants Songkran to be more famous. They want everyone to know about Songkran. They want more people to visit Thailand.

Today is an exciting day in Thailand. There is music, dancing, competitions, and lots and lots of water! Songkran ends on Saturday. Happy Songkran, everyone!


  1. wet 潮濕的
    Songkran in Thailand sounds so much fun! 泰國潑水節聽起來真有趣!
    Yeah, I'd sure like to go. 對啊,我好想去。
    I've heard that you get wet from head to toe. 我聽說你會從頭到腳濕透透。

  2. everyone 每個人
    And people carry big water guns for a nice water fight. 大家會拿著水槍打水仗。
    With strangers on the street? 跟路上的陌生人打?
    With everyone on the street! 跟路上每個人打!

  3. fight 搏鬥
    That's so cool! 太酷了!
    I would pick children to fight with. 我會找小孩子來打水仗。
    They may be much better than you. 他們可能比你強得多呢。

  4. April 四月
    So we're going next April? 所以我們明年四月去?
    Absolutely! 一定要的。

wet 潮濕的
everyone 每個人
fight 搏鬥
April 四月


  1. What is Songkran?
    A. A Thai song
    B. A Thai dance
    C. The Thai New Year

  2. What do people throw at Songkran?
    A: Water guns
    B: Big drums
    C: Lots of water

  3. Where do Buddhists go for Songkran?
    A: A mosque
    B: A church
    C: A temple


  1. C
  2. C
  3. C