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Old Oil Wells Can Get Heat from the Earth

Old Oil Wells Can Get Heat from the Earth

News For Kids

2022/06/01 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


We use energy every day. We use energy for cars and scooters and for machines.

We get most of our energy from coal and oil. But coal and oil make a lot of pollution. Yuck!

You guys know about solar energy and wind energy. But do you know about geothermal energy?

Geothermal energy comes from the earth. The earth is really hot inside. When you go to a hot spring, you feel the earth's heat.

People have to drill deep into the earth to get geothermal energy, which is expensive!

But now a university in America is saving money by using old oil wells, which already go deep into the earth. There is no more oil in them, so Scientists can use them to bring up the heat from the earth.

Wow! That's a great idea! That will make geothermal energy much cheaper.

This is exciting! Why? Well, because geothermal energy is like solar and wind energy. It's clean. Plus, you can get geothermal energy even when the sun isn't shining and the wind isn't blowing.

That's because the earth is always hot inside!


1) coal 煤
We use coal to produce power. 我們用煤發電。
But that's not a good idea, right? 那不是個好主意,對吧?
Coal brings pollution. 煤會帶來汙染。

2) hot spring 溫泉
Hey, there are fish in the hot spring! 溫泉裡有魚!
I can't believe it! 真不敢相信!
Yeah, how can they live in a hot spring? 對啊,牠們怎麼有辦法住在溫泉裡?

3) inside 在裡面
Scientists say it's always hot inside the earth. 科學家說地球裡面一直很熱。
That's why we have volcanoes? 這是為什麼我們有火山嗎?

4) oil well 油井
Think about that. An oil well in the backyard! 想想看,後院裡有一口油井!
You have an oil well in your backyard? 你家後院有油井?
No, I don't even have a backyard. 沒有,我連後院都沒有。

Let's read today's vocabulary.
coal 煤
hot spring 溫泉
inside 在裡面
oil well 油井


  1. Where does most of our energy come from?
    A: Sun and wind energy
    B: Geothermal energy
    C: Coal and oil

  2. Which is an example of geothermal energy?
    A: Heat from the earth
    B: Heat from the sun
    C: Energy from the wind

  3. What is true about the dry oil wells?
    A: They are not deep in the earth
    B: They don't have oil in them
    C: They are still making oil


  1. C
  2. A
  3. B