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Government Pays Families to Leave Tokyo

Government Pays Families to Leave Tokyo

News For Kids

2023/03/15 | 00:05:16 | SoundOn #education

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Do you live in a big city? If you do, you know it is crowded.

More families are moving, and leaving the country for the city all the time. They come from the countryside and from small towns.
越來越多家庭移動前往城市, 他們來自鄉下跟小鎮。

These families are looking for good jobs and good schools. They hope to find these opportunities in big cities.

What's the biggest city in the world? It's Tokyo, Japan.

Tokyo, in Japan, has almost 40 million people.
東京擁有近 4000 萬人口。

This is a problem for Japan. Nobody wants to live in the countryside. But Tokyo is too crowded.

Now the Japanese government is paying families to leave Tokyo. Each family will be given one million yen for every child when they move to the countryside.

Families take that money and move to the countryside. The money is nice, but families understand the countryside has good things too.

There is more space to live. Plus, children can be closer to their families who never left the countryside.

Now, more and more families take the money and leave Tokyo. Would you?


  1. leave for 前往
    I'm leaving for Japan next week. 我下星期去日本。
    Where in Japan? 日本哪裡?
    Gifu, a little place in the countryside. 岐阜,在鄉下的一個小地方。

  2. crowded 擁擠的
    Taipei is too crowded for you? 台北對你來說太擠了?
    Yes, I need space and Gifu has some cute small towns. 對,我需要空間,岐阜有一些可愛的小鎮。

  3. town 鎮
    We have many cute small towns here. 這裡也有可愛小鎮啊。
    There's no such thing here. 這裡沒有那種東西。
    Yes, there is! 有啊!

  4. understand 了解
    I understand you're trying to keep me here. 我明白你想讓我留在這裡。
    But I won't stay. Not for a million NT. 但是就算給我一百萬我也不會留在這裡。

leave for 前往
crowded 擁擠的
town 鎮
understand 了解


  1. Where is the biggest city in the world?
    A: Russia
    B: America
    C: Japan

  2. How many people live in Tokyo?
    A: 40 thousand
    B: 40 million
    C: 40 billion

  3. Where is there more space to live?
    A: The city
    B: The countryside
    C: The schools


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B