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VR Lets You Feel Pain

VR Lets You Feel Pain

News For Kids

2022/04/29 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

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Have you ever tried VR? VR means 'virtual reality.'

You put a special mask over your eyes, and you can see a new world. A 3D virtual world!

VR looks so real! You can play many different VR games… and you feel like you are inside the game! VR games can be really fun!

But, I don't like a new idea from one VR company.

One VR company now has an armband that lets you feel pain! Ouch!

So, if you are playing a VR game like VR baseball, if the VR ball hits you, the armband will give you a small electric shock, so that it feels like you got hit by a ball.

Hmmm, maybe that feels more real, but I don't like electric shocks!

I like another idea. You wear special gloves, and the gloves make you feel like you are holding something or touching something.

The gloves are cool, but electric shocks? No, thank you!

But, maybe other people will like the new armband VR idea.

Maybe some people will like it because they want to make the VR game feel super real.

But me? I'm going to say 'no' to electric shocks, how about you?


1) real 真實的
This game is too real! 這個遊戲太真實了!
What happened? 發生了什麼事?
A woman was coming after me. 一個女的追殺我。
And? 然後呢?
And she hit me and it hurt! 然後她打我,很痛呢!

2) inside 在裡面
So both of you were inside the game? 所以你們兩個人都在遊戲裡?
Yeah, and I wanted to get out. 是啊,我想要出來。

3) game 遊戲
That sounds like a fun game! 聽起來是很好玩的遊戲。
No, it's scary! 不,它很嚇人!
I had to run and run. 我得拼命跑。

4) glove 手套
If you wear these gloves… 要是你戴著這雙手套…
You can hit her back. 你就可以反擊。
The gloves can do that? 手套可以那樣?
Let me wear them. 讓我戴吧。

Would you read the words with me?
real 真實的
inside 在裡面
game 遊戲
glove 手套


  1. What does 'VR' mean?
    A: Virtual Reality
    B: Violin Robot
    C: Very Rabbit

  2. What is one VR company making now?
    A: An armband that lets you go underwater
    B: An armband that lets you feel pain
    C: A headband that lets you feel happy

  3. Why do people like VR games?
    A: Because you feel like you are inside the game
    B: Because they like to feel pain
    C: Because they want to wear a mask on their eyes


  1. A
  2. B
  3. A