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Tourist Returns Stone from Hualien Beach

Tourist Returns Stone from Hualien Beach

News For Kids

2022/02/24 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


There are some really amazing beaches in Hualien!

Most beaches are sandy… but some beaches in Hualien just have stones! No sand… but lots and lots of stones!

Many people visit these beaches with stones every year. The stones are beautiful… but… we shouldn't take any stones home if we visit the beach, right?

Well, every year some people do take the stones… and that's not right! If everyone takes just one stone… one day they will all be gone.

But here's a nice story…

Someone took a stone from the Hualien beach… but after a few months, they sent it back!

They sent a letter with the stone. It said: "I'm very sorry for taking the stone. I made a mistake… and I'm sorry, so I'm sending this stone back. I will not take any stones again."

That's great, right? The person made a mistake… but later, they felt sorry… so they did the right thing and sent the stone back.

City workers in Hualien say this isn't the first time someone has sent a stone back. That's nice.

We all make mistakes… but if we do something wrong, we should try to say sorry and do the right thing.


  1. Beach 海灘。
    Where can I find a long sandy beach? 我在哪裡可以找到長長的沙灘?
    Penghu. It has the most beautiful sand beaches. 澎湖,那兒有最美麗的沙灘。

  2. Stone 石頭。
    The old house is made of white stones. 那棟老房子是白色石頭蓋的。
    It's a pretty house. 是很美的房子。

  3. Mistake 錯誤。
    Oh no, I made a mistake. 糟糕,我弄錯了。
    What did you do? 你做了什麼?
    I put salt in the cake, not sugar. 我在蛋糕裡放了鹽而不是糖。

  4. Sorry 抱歉。
    Well, just tell your guests you're sorry. 你就告訴客人真抱歉。
    And then serve them cookies. 然後請他們吃餅乾就好了。

beach 海灘
stone 石頭
mistake 錯誤
sorry 抱歉


  1. What is special about some beaches in Hualien?
    A: There isn't any water
    B: There are lots of stones
    C: There is too much sand

  2. What did a person send to Hualien in a letter?
    A: They sent back a stone
    B: They sent some sand
    C: They sent some bananas

  3. What should we do when we make a mistake?
    A: Say "sorry" and try to make things right
    B: Stay home and eat a pizza
    C: Say nothing and go to sleep

1: B
2: A
3: A