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Shoes Made Out of Coffee Grounds

Shoes Made Out of Coffee Grounds

News For Kids

2021/12/14 | 00:05:35 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


I love a good cup of coffee.

It smells delicious, tastes delicious, and it helps me wake up in the morning.

But every time I make a pot of coffee, I have a bunch of coffee grounds that I have to throw away afterward.

Well, guess what? There is a Taiwanese company that has come up with a great way to reuse coffee grounds, so they don't go to waste.

This company turns coffee grounds into shoes!

Experts at this company studied for many, many years to come up with a way to reuse the waste that comes from making coffee.

And they realized coffee waste is a good material to put into different kinds of shoes!

Five cups of coffee grounds can be put into a pair of sneakers.

Two cups of coffee grounds can be used to make slippers.

And waste from fifteen cups of coffee can make a pair of rain boots!

That's so cool. It would be so great if all the grounds that come from the coffee I drink could be turned into something useful.

I wonder if these shoes smell like coffee, too.

Would you like a pair?


  1. Come up with 想出來。
    I've got to come up with a plan. 我一定要想出辦法。
    For what? 要做甚麼呢?
    For winning the race. 贏得賽跑勝利。
    Just get up and practice every day. 你就每天早起練習啊。

  2. Useful 有用的。
    Old newspapers can be useful. 舊報紙可以很有用。
    Yeah, I often use them to clean my oven. 對啊,我經常用它們來清理烤箱。

  3. Shoes 鞋子。
    Would you wear shoes that are made of waste? 你會穿用廢物做的鞋子嗎?
    Probably not. Would you? 大概不會。你會嗎?
    I'm already wearing eco-friendly shoes. 我已經在穿環保鞋。

  4. Reuse 再利用。
    I think it's great to reuse things. 我覺得把東西重複利用很棒。
    I agree. 我同意。
    I'm using your water bottle as my vase. 我正在用你的水瓶當花瓶。

Please read the words with me.
come up with 想出來
useful 有用的
shoes 鞋子
reuse 再利用


  1. What kind of waste is mentioned in this story?
    a. Coffee grounds
    b. Disposable cups
    c. Plastic straws

  2. What is made out of the waste in this story?
    a. Shoes
    b. Shirts
    c. Pants

  3. Where is the company mentioned in this story based?
    a. Taiwan
    b. Japan
    c. South Korea


  1. A
  2. A
  3. A