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70 Years on the Throne: Queen Elizabeth II

70 Years on the Throne: Queen Elizabeth II

News For Kids

2022/04/21 | 00:05:36 | SoundOn #education

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Not very many places in the world still have a king or a queen… but the United Kingdom, or the U.K. for short, has a queen. And guess what? She's been queen for 70 years!

Her name is Queen Elizabeth the Second… and today, April 21st, is her birthday! She's now 95 years old! WOW! Happy Birthday, your Majesty!

Queen Elizabeth the Second became queen in 1952.

No king or queen in the history of the UK has ever been king or queen for 70 years before!

That's a really long time… and in June this year, they will have a big party in the U.K. to celebrate the Queen's 70 years… and to celebrate her birthday. It will be a 4-day holiday!

It's really cool that she's been Queen for so long! Queen Elizabeth the Second is very popular in the U.K…. Many people there say she has helped the country stay strong,even in bad times, like during a big war.

Of course, one day she will pass away, and her son will become the new king… but the people of the U.K. will always remember Queen Elizabeth the Second… a wonderful person, and a wonderful queen.


  1. celebrate 慶祝
    British people celebrate the Queen's birthday every year. 英國人每年都慶祝女王的生日。
    Of course, she's the Queen. 當然啦,她是女王啊。

  2. queen 女王
    She became a queen at the age of 25! 她25歲就成了女王。
    That's very young. 很年輕呢。
    That's too young. 太年輕了。

  3. remember 記得
    I remember when I was 25. 我還記得我25歲的時候。
    Did you want to be a queen? 你那時候想當女王嗎?
    Not at all! I wanted to see the world. 一點也不。我想看看世界。

  4. wonderful 很棒的
    Was it wonderful, seeing the world? 去看世界很棒嗎?
    It was. I saw a lot of amazing things! 很棒,我看到好多驚人的東西。

Did you remember these words?
celebrate 慶祝
queen 女王
remember 記得
wonderful 很棒的


  1. What's the name of the Queen of the U.K.?
    A: Queen Elsa
    B: Queen Elizabeth the First
    C: Queen Elizabeth the Second

  2. How long has she been the queen?
    A: 700 years
    B: 95 years
    C: 70 years

  3. Why is the queen popular with many people?
    A: They think she helped the U.K. stay strong, even in bad times
    B: Because she is young and beautiful
    C: They think she has a nice son


  1. C
  2. C
  3. A