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Towers that Eat Pollution

Towers that Eat Pollution

News For Kids

2021/09/29 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

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Pollution is a big problem around the world. It's really bad for your health. It can make you cough.

Oh, excuse me. In some parts of India, the pollution is really, really bad. But India is trying to make its air cleaner. It built a tower that eats pollution. 印度空氣汙染嚴重,為了淨化空氣,他們建了一座可以大口吞下髒空氣的塔樓。

Well, it doesn't eat the pollution like that. It sounds more like this.

The top of the tower has 40 huge fans. These 40 fans suck in the dirty air. The air is cleaned in the tower. Then, the tower blows the clean air out.


Like this: the dirty air comes in… And the clean air comes out. Again…

Whew! That's making me tired. But the fans never get tired. They keep working and working.

If the tower works well, India will make more of these smog towers. Oh, sorry, smog is a kind of pollution. So, a smog tower is a pollution tower.

I hope it works! Maybe they can build a smog tower in Taiwan, too! 如果這個塔樓很有用,還會建造更多。也許台灣也需要這樣的建築。



1) Air pollution 空氣汙染。
There's so much air pollution today! 今天的空氣汙染好嚴重!
Yeah, even the sky is grey. 對啊,連天空都是灰的。

2) Fan 電扇。
Here, this fan should blow away the bad air. 來,這座電扇應該可以吹走髒空氣。
One fan is not enough. 一座電扇不夠。

3) Tired 很累。
You look tired. 你看起來很累。
I feel tired. 我覺得很累。
Maybe you should go to bed earlier. 也許你應該早一點上床。
No, I've got work to do. 不行,我還有工作要做。

4) Work 工作。
You're working too hard! 你工作太辛苦了!
You're not a robot, you know. 你要知道你不是機器人。
I know. 我知道。

Let's read the words together.
air pollution 空氣汙染
fan 電扇
tired 很累
work 工作


Q1: Where is the pollution tower?
A: In India
B: In Canada
C: In America
Q2: How many fans does the tower have?
A: 14
B: 40
C: 400
Q3: What will India do if the tower works well?
A: Build more towers
B: Put more fans in the towers
C: Sell towers to other countries

  1. A
  2. B
  3. A