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Teen Makes New Electric Motor

Teen Makes New Electric Motor

News For Kids

2022/10/05 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Look at that bus! It looks really cool! And it's so quiet!

Do you know why it's so quiet? It's an electric bus. It uses an electric motor!

Electric motors are great! They don't make all that smelly smoke that's bad for the air… and bad for people, too.

But, there is one problem with electric motors. An electric motor needs some very special things inside it to make it work.

Electric motors need special metals, and other things that you can only find by digging in the ground.

And, there isn't enough of those things in the ground for the future… one day they will all be gone, and then how will we make electric motors?

Well, guess what? A 17-year-old student in America may have found the answer. His name is Robert.

Robert is working on a new way to make electric motors that don't need any special metals! And scientists say his idea could work!
美國一個叫做 Robert 的學生,在研究一種不用特別的金屬,就可以做電動馬達的方法!

That's amazing! Robert is only 17 years-old, but he's already changing the world!

What would you like to make? Maybe one day you will have an idea that can change the world too! You could build an even better motor, or a cool new spaceship!


  1. world 世界
    Can you name 2 things that changed the world? 你能說出兩種改變世界的東西嗎?
    Sure, computers and cellphones. 當然,電腦和手機。
    That's true. We used pen and paper before. Not anymore. 這是真的,我們以前用筆和紙。現在不用了。

  2. work 工作
    What if your computer doesn't work? 要是你的電腦不中用怎麼辦?
    I'll just have to go to bed. You? 那我只好上床睡覺了。你呢?
    I'll get it fixed right away. 我會馬上找人修理。

  3. special 特別的
    I know someone special who can fix computers. 我認識很特別的人會修電腦。
    Lucky you! I don't have such a special friend. 你運氣不錯。我沒有這麼特別的朋友。

  4. electric 電動的
    Yes, he knows a lot about electric things. 他對電器懂很多。

world 世界
work 工作
special 特別的
electric 電動的


  1. How old is Robert?
    A: 170 years-old
    B: 17 years-old
    C: 70 years-old

  2. What did Robert make?
    A: A new kind of electric motor
    B: A new spaceship
    C: A new flying motorcycle

  3. Why are electric motors better?
    A: They don't make bad smoke
    B: They are super heavy
    C: They are delicious


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A