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America's Oldest Parade Goes Online

America's Oldest Parade Goes Online

News For Kids

2023/03/17 | 00:05:08 | SoundOn #education

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Top o' the mornin'! It's St. Patrick's Day!

Today is a very special day for Ireland. Ireland is a small country in Europe.

Many Americans have Irish grandparents or great-grandparents. Every year, all over America, Irish Americans like to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with big parades and fun parties!

At some St. Patrick's Day parties, everything is dyed green! All the food is green, all the drinks are green… and in the city of Chicago, even the river is green!

New York City has America's biggest St. Patrick's Day parade. The parade has big bands playing traditional folk music.

The New York City St. Patrick's Day event is America's oldest parade. It started 261 years ago, in 1762!
這是美國最古老的遊行,它在1762年就開始了,已經 261 歲了!

This year they're putting the whole parade online. For the first time, people all over the world can watch the party and join in!


  1. celebrate 慶祝
    Wow, you're all green today! 哇,你今天全身綠。
    Green hat, green shirt, even green shoes. 綠色帽子,綠襯衫,綠鞋子。
    Because I'm celebrating St. Patrick's Day! 因為我在慶祝聖派翠克節。

  2. grandparents 祖父母
    My grandparents lived in Ireland once. 我的阿公阿嬤住過愛爾蘭。
    They did? 是嗎?
    Yeah, my grandpa studied there. 對,我阿公在那裡讀書。

  3. music 音樂
    He was a student? 他在當學生?
    Right, he studied music. 對,他學音樂。
    He was a musician. 他是音樂家。

  4. parade 遊行
    So will you go to a party? 所以你要參加派對嗎?
    No, I'll watch New York's parade on TV and dance. 不,我要看電視紐約遊行並且跳舞。

celebrate 慶祝
grandparents 祖父母
music 音樂
parade 遊行


  1. Where do Irish people come from?
    A: America
    B: Ireland
    C: Iceland

  2. Which American city dyes its river green for St. Patrick's Day?
    A: Chicago
    B: New York
    C: Europe

  3. In what year did America's oldest parade start?
    A: 1772
    B: 1762
    C: 1672


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B