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Hawk Keeps People Safe from Pigeon Poo

Hawk Keeps People Safe from Pigeon Poo

News For Kids

2022/09/28 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

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Hey students, do you know what animal this is?

Did you guess a pigeon?

You see them a lot in parks. Some people like to feed them. Pigeons are okay on the ground. But the trouble with pigeons is that they fly. And when they fly… That's right, they poo! And sometimes that poo lands on people's heads. Yuck!

In San Francisco, pigeons poo a lot on people. That's why, in San Francisco, they decided to do something about it.

They got a man to bring his hawk! The man and his hawk go to a subway station in San Francisco three days a week.

Pigeons are afraid of hawks. They think hawks will eat them. So, when they see a hawk, they get scared and fly away!

The hawk's name is Pac-Man. His owner gives Pac-Man lots of food and treats, so Pac-Man doesn't eat the pigeons, he just scares them away.
這隻老鷹叫 Pac-Man,牠的主人給牠很多食物,所以牠不會吃鴿子。

Because of that, he isn't hungry, so he doesn't need to eat the pigeons. But he still scares them away. Which is much better! Nobody likes to get pigeon poo on their head!


  1. scare away 嚇走
    Look, a hawk is coming this way. 你看,一隻老鷹飛過來了。
    Uh oh, it's going to scare away the pigeons! 糟糕,牠會把鴿子嚇走!
    I'm scared of hawks, too. 我也怕老鷹呢。

  2. afraid of 害怕
    Why are you so afraid of hawks? 你為什麼這麼怕老鷹?
    Are you kidding? Hawks are hunters. 開什麼玩笑,老鷹會打獵。

  3. fly away 飛走
    Don't worry. It's flying away now. 別擔心,牠飛走了。
    So are all the pigeons. 鴿子也都飛走了。
    I hope they fly back. 我希望牠們再飛回來。

  4. on the ground 在地上
    I don't like so much pigeon poop on the ground. 我不喜歡這麼多鴿糞在地上。
    Me either. 我也不喜歡。

These are useful phrases.
scare away 嚇走
afraid of 害怕
fly away 飛走
on the ground 在地上


  1. Why did the subway system hire the man with a hawk?
    A: To keep people safe from pigeon poo
    B: To make people laugh
    C: To get more people to ride the subway

  2. What does the hawk do?
    A: It eats pigeons
    B: It scares pigeons
    C: It eats food so pigeons can't get it

  3. Why does the man feed the hawk lots of food and treats?
    A: So it works harder
    B: So it doesn't bite the man
    C: So it doesn't eat pigeons


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C