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Snake on a Train

Snake on a Train

News For Kids

2022/06/06 | 00:05:38 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Are you afraid of snakes?

I think a snake is a cool animal… but I don't really want to get close to one!

And I definitely don't want to be on a train with a snake!

But that's what happened to some people on a train here in Taiwan!

Someone looked up and said, "Hey! What's that? Is it a snake?"

Then some other people looked too. They said, "Yes, it is!! It's a snake! Quick! Call for help! There's a snake on the train!"

The train conductor called the fire department and stopped the train in Yilan. He told everyone "Quick! Get off the train! The firefighters are coming to catch the snake."

The firefighters came into the train and caught the snake. It was a boa constrictor. A boa constrictor is not a poisonous snake… but that kind of snake doesn't live in Taiwan.

The firefighters said they think it was someone's pet! 消防隊員認為是某人飼養的寵物!

They think the pet snake got away, climbed up to the place above the seats… and hid behind the bags.

If I was the one who saw the snake, I'm sure I would have screamed… "AAAHH!! Snake!! On the train! And it doesn't have a ticket!"

I'm happy no people or animals were hurt… but if the snake was a pet, its owner should be more careful. Nobody wants to ride a train with a snake!


1) train 火車
Should we take the train or bus? 我們應該坐火車還是巴士?
Train is better. 火車比較好。
I can walk around on a train. 我可以在火車上走來走去。

2) fire department 消防隊
I think we're totally lost. 我覺得我們完全迷路了。
Let me call the fire department. 我來打電話給消防隊。
No, you need to call the police. 不對,你得打給警察。

3) firefighter 救火員
Firefighters catch snakes. 救火員抓蛇。
I think they save people too. 我想他們也救人。

4) catch 捕捉
They do. 他們是會救人。
But they often catch snakes or bees. 不過他們經常抓蛇或是蜜蜂。
Bees? They don't catch bees. 蜜蜂?他們不會捉蜜蜂。
They just remove the beehive. 他們只是把蜂巢摘掉。

These are useful words to learn.
train 火車
fire department 消防隊
firefighter 消防員
catch 捕捉


  1. What kind of snake was on the train?
    A: A green snake
    B: A cobra
    C: A boa constrictor

  2. What did the conductor do?
    A: Called the firefighters and stopped the train
    B: Called for some pizza and ice cream
    C: Called the zoo and asked them what to do

  3. What did the firefighters say?
    A: They said they think the snake was someone's pet
    B: They said, "That's not a snake! That's a cat!"
    C: They said, "Call someone else! We're afraid of snakes."


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A