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Cat Helps Save Old Woman

Cat Helps Save Old Woman

News For Kids

2021/11/19 | 00:05:33 | SoundOn #education

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Hi, students. Today, I'm going to tell you a story about a cat named Piran. Piran helped save its owner's life. The cat's owner is an old woman. She is 83 years old, and she lives in England.

One day, the woman was walking near her house. Then, she fell down a ravine. The ravine was very steep. She fell about 20 meters down the steep ravine!

People found out the old woman was missing. But they didn't know where she was because they couldn't see her.

Later, someone saw the woman's black cat near the ravine. Piran kept meowing. The person who saw the cat was the old woman's neighbor. The neighbor knew that Piran belonged to the old woman. So, she called for help.

People then climbed down the ravine and saved the woman. They put her in a helicopter and took her to a hospital.

Some people think black cats bring bad luck. They think if a black cat walks in front of you, you will have bad luck. Piran was not unlucky at all. He saved his owner's life!


1) Save 拯救。
The cat saved the old lady's life! 那隻貓救了老太太的命!
Maybe I should raise a cat. 也許我應該養一隻貓。
It might save me someday. 也許有一天牠會救我。

2) Bad luck 厄運。
I had a day of bad luck yesterday. 我昨天運氣很糟糕 。
I was late for school, and I forgot my lunch box. 我上學遲到,還忘了帶便當。
That's not bad luck. 那不是厄運。
That's bad habits. 而是壞習慣。

3) Unlucky 運氣不好的。
Do you believe Friday the 13th is an unlucky day? 你相信十三號星期五是壞運氣日嗎?
No, it's just another day on the calendar. 不相信,那只是日曆上的一天。

4) Neighbor 鄰居。
You're lucky to have good neighbors. 你有好鄰居很幸運。
Yeah, I like my neighbors. 對,我很喜歡我的鄰居。

save 拯救
bad luck 厄運
unlucky 運氣不好的
neighbor 鄰居


  1. What happened to the old woman?
    A: She fell down outside.
    B: She lost her cat.
    C: She got sick in her home.

  2. Who found the old woman?
    A: The cat's owner
    B: A policeman
    C: Her neighbor

  3. What do some people think about black cats?
    A: They make people fall.
    B: They are not lucky.
    C: They make good pets.


  1. A
  2. C
  3. B