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Dog That Can Deal Cards Hired By Hospital

Dog That Can Deal Cards Hired By Hospital

News For Kids

2022/05/06 | 00:05:31 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Aw… what a mess. I'm so bad with cards!

I try to keep them ordered, but it's so hard. There are so many cards! I always drop them on the floor!

Did you know there is a dog who is really good at keeping cards in order?

This dog lives in the USA. His name is Parks. He is very smart. His owner taught him many, many tricks! And he understands all of them.

He knows easy commands. When his owner tells him to "sit" he sits. When his owner tells him to "stay" he stays. But he also knows how to turn on lights, open doors, and help with laundry!

But what is really cool is that he knows how to deal cards!

Well, he knows how to pick cards and give them to other people. This is very difficult for a dog, because dogs don't have fingers! So, he has to use his mouth!

Parks works in a hospital. He helps make sick children feel better by cuddling them, and walks with them around the hospital.

Maybe he could help teach me how to keep my cards in order too!

OK, here I go… Arrgh! Hey, where's that dog?!


  1. help 幫忙
    Could you turn on the light? 請把燈打開好嗎?
    Here, Buddy can help you. 來,巴蒂可以幫你忙。
    Wow, what a dog! 哇,好棒的狗!
    How did he learn to do that? 牠怎麼學會的?
    I taught him. 我教牠的。

  2. owner 主人
    So you're the proud owner of Buddy. 所以你是芭蒂驕傲的主人。
    I am, and I'm also the owner of three cats. 我是,並且我還是三隻貓的主人。

  3. trick 把戲
    Did you teach Buddy other tricks? 你有教巴蒂別的把戲嗎?
    Yeah, he gets me my bag every day. 有,牠每天把我的包包拿給我。

  4. hospital 醫院
    He also helps out in a hospital. 牠也在醫院裡幫忙。
    What does he do? 做什麼呢?
    He plays with children. 牠陪小孩玩耍。

Would you like to have such a smart dog? 一起來讀單字。
help 幫忙
owner 主人
trick 把戲
hospital 醫院


  1. What kind of animal is Parks?
    A: A dog
    B: A bird
    C: A monkey

  2. Where does Parks work?
    A: At a veterinarian's office
    B: At an animal shelter
    C: At a hospital

  3. What can Parks do with cards?
    A: Choose cards to give to players
    B: Make a mess
    C: Count cards


  1. A
  2. C
  3. A