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People in Nairobi Make Small Gardens

People in Nairobi Make Small Gardens

News For Kids

2022/11/30 | 00:05:11 | SoundOn #education

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At my grandma's house, there is a big garden, where she grows potatoes, tomatoes and greens.

But I live in the city. My house is very small, so I don't have a garden. What can I do?

To solve this problem, let's look to Nairobi, a city in Africa. Every day, lots of people come from the countryside to live in that city.

There are people everywhere. It's so busy, and there is not enough land to grow food. What can all of these people eat?

Recently, many people in Nairobi have planted small gardens in their homes! They might plant some potatoes on the balcony, or grow some tomatoes right by the kitchen window.

These small gardens are very helpful. People say it's convenient, because they don't have to go to the supermarket. They can save time and money.

What's more, growing food at home is cleaner. People with home gardens don't have to worry about harmful chemicals on their vegetables.

Let's take a lesson from Nairobi. We don't need lots of space to make a garden. We can grow some healthy food right in our own homes.


  1. countryside 鄉下
    I hope I can live in the countryside. 我希望能住在鄉下。
    You'll have no 7-11 or bookstore. 你會沒有便利商店或是書店。
    But I can grow my own food. 但是我可以自己種食物。

  2. grow 種植
    You're already growing tomatoes in your house! 你已經在自己家種番茄了!
    That's not enough. 那不夠。
    I want to grow more. 我想要種更多。

  3. garden 花園
    I'd like to have a big garden. 我想要有個大菜園。
    There are vegetable gardens in the city, too. 城市裡也有菜園啊。

  4. space 空間
    You can rent a space in the garden. 你可以在菜園租一個空間。
    It'll be a lot easier than living in the countryside. 那比住在鄉下容易多了。

你喜歡親手種菜嗎? 來讀讀單字。


  1. Where is the city of Nairobi?
    A: Asia
    B: Africa
    C: Australia

  2. Where are people planting small gardens?
    A: By the street
    B: At the market
    C: In their homes

  3. Why are small gardens convenient?
    A: They can make your house bigger
    B: They can help you in school
    C: They save time and money


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C