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Dogs Grieve When Their Friends Die Too

Dogs Grieve When Their Friends Die Too

News For Kids

2022/05/19 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

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I used to have two dogs. Their names are Cheeto and Sandy. Sandy was very old though, then she became very sick, and she passed away.
我本來有兩隻狗:Cheeto跟Sandy。Sandy 後來生病過世了。

This made me very sad, but I think Cheeto is very sad as well. I think Cheeto misses Sandy.

Some people think dogs do not feel sadness the same way people do. But I think they do.

In fact, there is a study that shows dogs probably do feel sadness like people do when a friend dies or goes away.

And they might need a little help getting through it.

In the study, eighty-six percent of dog owners said they saw their dogs act differently when their doggy friends died.

Sometimes the dogs would want more attention. Sometimes they ate less and played less.

In general, they were less active, which means they just did not want to do anything very much.

Doctors say dog owners can help their dogs feel less sad by continuing to do the things they usually do together. Owners should also try to spend more time with their sad dogs.

That's a good idea. In fact, I'm going to go spend time with Cheeto now! Come on, Cheeto, go fetch!


1) sad 悲傷的
My dog Buddy died last week. 我的狗狗巴弟上星期死了。
Oh, that's so sad! 好傷心啊!
It really is.真的是。
It's like losing a family member. 就好像失去了家人。

2) sick 生病的
Was Buddy sick? 巴弟是生病嗎?
He was. He got very sick and just died. 是的,病得很重,然後就走了。

3) miss 想念
I miss him so much. 我真想念牠。
Sure you do. Even I miss him. 當然啦,連我都想念牠。
He's quite a dog. 牠是隻好狗。

4) less 比較少
Maybe you can get another dog. 也許你可以再養一條狗。
No, I'm afraid I'll love him less than Buddy. 不了,我怕我會愛他比巴弟少。

Have you ever lost a pet? Let's read the words together.
sad 悲傷的
sick 生病的
miss 想念
less 較少的


  1. What animal is mentioned in this story?
    A: Cats
    B: Dogs
    C: Gerbils

  2. What does the study in this story say?
    A: Dogs probably feel sad like people do
    B: Dogs have no emotions
    C: Dogs are smarter than cats

  3. What should people do to help dogs feel better?
    A: Spend more time with them
    B: Leave them alone
    C: People can't make them feel better


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A