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Mount Etna in Italy Erupts

Mount Etna in Italy Erupts

News For Kids

2021/09/09 | 00:05:32 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


What do you think about when you think of Italy? 你想到義大利會想到甚麼呢?

Pizza? Pasta? Olive oil? 披薩? 義大利麵? 還是橄欖油呢?

What about volcanoes? 那火山呢?

Yes, volcanoes! Did you know that there are volcanoes in Italy too? 你知道義大利有火山嗎?

One special volcano in Italy is called Mount Etna. This volcano is special because right now it is very active! 埃特納火山正在噴發!

Mount Etna has been erupting a lot lately, which means it has been shooting lava, rocks, and ash into the air. In fact, Mount Etna has already erupted over 50 times this year! 它今年已經噴發了50多次!

Thankfully, it is not a very strong volcano, so there isn't a lot of lava coming out of it. This means people who live nearby don't need to be afraid they will be burned by lava. 還好它不算太強烈,附近的居民不用害怕被岩漿灼傷。

However, the volcano is shooting out a lot of ash. 但是有很多火山灰! A lot of the ash is falling out of the sky! It must be very hard to keep things clean if ash is always falling out of the sky! 那麼多的火山灰,一定很難清理吧!

Have you ever seen a volcano up close?



  1. Volcano 火山。
    Mount Da-tun is a volcano. 大屯山是火山。
    There are many hot springs in the area. 那個地區有好多溫泉。
    Yes, you often find hot springs near a volcano. 火山附近常常有溫泉。

  2. Ash 灰塵。
    I have never seen Da-tun shooting ash or lava. 我從來沒有看過大屯山噴出灰塵或是熔岩。
    Yes. I think it's sleeping. 對啊,我想它在休眠。

  3. Sky 天空。
    Ash is falling out of the sky! 灰塵從天上掉下來!
    Yeah, what's happening? 是啊,發生了什麼事?
    Maybe an earthquake. 也許是地震。

  4. Burn 燃燒。
    Do you smell that? 你聞到了嗎?
    Something is burning! 有東西在燒。
    Oh no, it's my fish! 糟糕,是我的魚!

volcano 火山
ash 灰塵
sky 天空
burn 燃燒


  1. What is the volcano in this story called?
    a. Mount Fuji
    b. Mount Rushmore
    c. Mount Etna

  2. Where is this volcano?
    a. Taiwan
    b. Hawaii
    c. Italy

  3. What do the people near the volcano have to worry about?
    a. A lot of rocks
    b. A lot of lava
    c. A lot of ash


  1. C
  2. C
  3. C