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Tech Knows You Are Lying!

Tech Knows You Are Lying!

News For Kids

2021/12/29 | 00:05:34 | SoundOn #education

Play Episode


Can you tell when someone is lying?

Scientists say people are not very good at guessing who is lying and who is telling the truth.

But computers are very good at finding liars.

One new computer uses a special sticker. You put the sticker on a person's face, and the sticker can feel very small movements on their face.

The sticker sends the info to the computer and… BOOM. Caught you!
And the computer is correct more than 70% of the time!
電腦抓到你說謊的正確率有百分之七十這麼高 70%。

That's a lot!

The clues the computers find are too small for you and me to see… but the computer catches them.

Maybe in the future, your mom and dad will have a computer that can check to see if you are lying!

Maybe in the future, it will be very hard to lie because a computer will always catch you!

Well, that's okay. There's a simple solution. Don't lie!

Always tell the truth! Easy, right?


  1. Correct 正確的。
    You got this wrong. 你這個弄錯了。
    The correct answer is one thousand. 正確答案是一千。
    No, I'm sure it's correct. 不,我很確定這是對的。

  2. Truth 真實。
    Please tell me the truth. 請你跟我說實話。
    I am telling you the truth. 我是在跟你講實話。
    I didn't eat your chocolate, just the ice cream. 我沒吃你的巧克力,只吃了冰淇淋。

  3. Catch 抓到。
    A computer can catch me lying. That's scary. 電腦能抓到我在撒謊。這很恐怖。
    Why do you want to lie to a computer? 你為什麼要對電腦說謊?
    It's just a test to see if it can catch me. 這只是個測驗,看它能不能抓到我。

  4. Good at 擅長。
    So you're not good at lying. 所以你不擅長說謊。
    No, I never was.從來就不擅場。

correct 正確的
truth 真實
catch 抓到
good at 擅長


  1. Do people always know when someone is lying?
    A: Yes! People always know.
    B: No, but moms and dads usually know.
    C: No! Scientists say no one is good at knowing when someone is lying.

  2. What does a new computer use to catch liars?
    A: A sticker you put on someone's face
    B: A hat you put on someone's head
    C: A fish you put on someone's shoulder

  3. How often can the computer catch a liar?
    A: More than 70% of the time
    B: More than 10% of the time
    C: More than 100% of the time


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A